37| Call It What You Want.

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37 | Call It What You Want.

| 3rd POV |

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She kissed him.

Without warning, without her own permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because she could do anything else.

She needed the breath he was holding. She needed his lips on hers. She needed her hands in his hair, and his on her body. She needed the reassure in his touch. The cooling warmth of his body heat to sooth her burning chest. The softness in the way he held her. Only her.

His lips on hers. That was all he could manage to grasp. He didn't know what to concentrate on. The way her hands tugged on his hair, the way his hands tightened on her waist, pulling her closer. The way their lips fit together, like a broken puzzle piece, imperfectly perfect.

He was very familiar with girls, but no one had ever felt quite like her. And certainly no one had made him feel the way she did.

He touched her and it felt as if the stars were dancing across her skin. The heat of his body lingering, even when his hands moved.

Everything else was in black and white, but they were in screaming color. Waves moving on the ocean in perfect harmony, like his hands on her waist. Her hands on his neck, pulling him into her impossibly close.

He felt warm and familiar, solid and safe. Sage wanted to cling to his shirt, bury her face into the same curve of his neck, and never let go. She wanted to stay like this forever, lost in complete wonderland. And lost in each other.

Against their own accord, they both broke apart, each of them desperate for air. They stayed close, her hands clinging to his neck, as if she'd collapse if it wasn't for him. His hands held her pressed against him, moving up and down under her sweatshirt, in a soothing motion.

She let her head fall into his shoulder, burying her forehead into the crook of his neck. His head rested on hers, his nose deep in her hair.

They were both still breathing heavily, but she built up enough strength, pulling away slightly. His forehead held up hers, their noses brushing.

She let herself smile, it was a small, tired one, but so genuine.

"Took you long enough," he mumbled, finally peeling his eyes open.

She laughed, breathlessly. "Shut up."

"Make me."

She didn't have enough energy to respond. Instead she lightly kissed his nose, backing up a bit.

She needed to put some distance between them. It was impossible to be that close to each other without running out of breath.

"So," she sighed, "which subject would you like your imaginary book to be on?"

He smiled, his head falling backwards. "Health."

She gasped, "Jess!" She grabbed a pillow off her bed, tossing it at him. He caught it, barley even looking. "Surprise me, then."

She rolled her eyes, looking over at her bookshelf.

Jess heard a small meow, making him look down. At his feet, Ivy and Willow sat there, the ladder walking over to Sage, while Ivy rubbed her orange tail on his ankle.

He knelt down, not completely sure how to try and pet the thing.

He held out his hand, watching in amusement as she rubbed her head against him, purring.

"She likes you," Sage smiled, holding Willow. "Ivy doesn't like anyone expect for me. Not even Rory."

He couldn't stop a smile from spreading across his face as Ivy stepped onto his knee, craning her neck to reach him. "Well, I'm honored." He said, softly stroking her back.

Sage felt her heart swell, watching the two of them together. He looked like a kid in that moment, so carefree.

He looked up at her, "am I doing this right?"

"You're perfect, idiot."

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