45| Speak Now.

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45 | Speak Now.

| 3rd POV |

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""Hey, here's your drink. Who was that?" Lorelai asked, walking back into the living room.

"That was Leonard." Sage explained, glancing at Rory beside her.

"Oh, did you tell him we have company?" Lorelai smiled, fakely. "Yep." Rory said, the three of them lying through their teeth.

"Who's Leonard?" Christopher grinned, having a slight feeling he knew what was going on.

"Just a friend." Sage lied.

"Friend of yours, a friend of Rory's, or a friend of Lorelai's?"

"Mutual friend." The latter explained.

"Yeah, it's equal." Said Sage.

"A mutual Leonard." Christopher nodded. "We're constantly fighting over him."

"Rory, Sage, can I run something by you guys?" Sherrie asked. "Sure." The pair said, simultaneously.

"Your dad and I are around for another night, and he's totally sick of me." She smiled. "Not true." He muttered. "Anyhow," she began, "I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me tonight? Just the three of us."

Sage and Rory looked at each other. "Why not?" The former shrugged. "Yeah, it would be nice." Said the ladder.


"Yeah, I mean as long as it's okay with my mom because we do have a grandma-grandpa dinner tonight."

"It's fine by me." Lorelai said.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"She's pretty, but she's a little much." Sage mumbled, looking through her closet.

"Worse case scenario, stab yourself with a fork and call CPS." Jess shrugged.

She pointed at him. "Smart."

After a few minutes, she sighed. "I need you, now."

"Oh yeah?"

"Not like that, you idiot! Pick a jacket." She grabbed his arm. He let her pull him up, directing him towards the right closet.

He looked over at her. She was wearing a tight black dress with a slit on her thigh, with a lower neckline. She had fishnet tights, with black doc martins.

As he looked, she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail, the side pieces falling down.

After a moment, he tossed her a jacket. His jacket.

"This is yours?" She tilted her head, feeling the leather.

"Indeed." He mumbled, walking up her.

"But it looks better on you."

She smiled, pulling it on over her shoulders. "Thank you," she muttered, looking up. Even with boots, he was taller than her. Which, admittedly, wasn't hard, but still.

He brought a hand up to her neck, tipping her chin up.

She sighed, lightly pushing him away. "Jess," she said. "Friends, remember?"

He nodded, stepping back. "Right."

At a knock on the door, Sage groaned. "You have to meet my dad."

His face quickly fell.

"I know. Trust me, I know." She said, grabbing his hand. "But it'll be quick, I promise!" He let her lead him outside of her room, walking into the foyer where Lorelai, Rory, Christopher, and Sherrie all stood.

"I am so gonna need therapy after this." She mumbled to him.

"Sage! You look amazing," Sherrie smiled. Sage forced a smile back. "Thank you."

"Who's he?" Christopher asked, looking directly at Lorelai.

"He is standing right in front of you." Sage teased, rolling her eyes.

"This is my friend, Jess. Jess, that's my dad, Christopher, but call him David, it makes him feel younger. And that's his girlfriend, Sherrie."

"Hey," Jess said, gruffly.

"Hey." Christopher glared.

"Hi!" Sherrie smiled, "it's so nice to meet you."

Jess quickly understood what Sage meant by a little much.

"I've gotta go." He told Sage, leaning down to her. "See you later?" He asked.

She nodded, giving him a smile.

He let his hand brush across her back as he walked passed her. Christopher kept his eyes on Jess's hands, the glare still very present.

"Alright," Lorelai smiled, attemptng to reduce the tension. Sags told her they were going back a little, which had relieved her a bit, but she still wasn't completely comfortable. "If you want a drink after, they have a list of all the places that serve minors."

"Oh, no need. I have a flask In my purse." Rory smiled.

"And, my breast implants are filled with cocaine, remember? We're set mom, don't worry." Sage nodded.

Christopher smiled, watching the three of them.

"I'm going to need to drink a lot of coffee to keep up with you three." Sherrie smiled, nervously.

"We believe in you." Rory and Sage said together.

"Oh," the ladder said, "crack can help. Just take a bit with your morning cup, and you'll be on our level in no time."

Sherrie laughed, looking at her.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now