40| I Can See You.

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40 | I Can See You.

| Sage's POV |

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I looked at my mom, my face blank. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh really? Because I've seen the way you two have looked at each other, especially these last few weeks. The secret glances, the small smiles. I'm not an idiot, Sage."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going for a walk."

"No, no you don't get to walk away from this." Mom followed me out of my room, stepping in front of the door. I took a deep breath, trying to stop myself from snapping.

"So what?"

"Excuse you?" She asked.

"So what if something happened? So what if I like him? So what if I'm not a perfect girl who does everything everyone wants, who's dating a perfect guy, who's nice to everyone and you approve of?" I turned to her, tears welling up in my eyes.

"So what if I'm not Rory?" I exclaimed. "Is that really so bad? Am I not allowed to be my own person? To make my own mistakes?"

I watched as any argument she had left in her dropped with her face and her hands as they fell to her sides.

I took a shaky breath, closing my eyes. "I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I'm sorry I'm not my sister. And I'm sorry for not telling you when something did happen. But think about the conversation we're having right now, and tell me you blame me for it."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, moving past her and walking outside.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Everything okay there, princess?"

I shrugged, keeping my eyes down on the water. I heard Jess sit down beside me, his legs dangling off the bridge.

"You know, I've only ever really argued with my mom about my dad."

He stayed quiet, his hand inching closer to mine before he grabbed it, softly intertwining our fingers.

"She had this idealistic world mapped out in her head. One where he'd come back one day, as usual, but he'd actually stay. He would actually be a dad." I scoffed, watching as he rubbed his finger over my thumb. "I'd constantly have to tell her that was never gonna happen. No matter how bad any of us wanted it."

"I've argued about my dad more times than I've actually talked to him." I said. "Hell, I've argued with him more times than I've hugged him." I mumbled, picking at my sweatpants, suddenly wishing I'd brought a jacket.

Jess let go of my hand, using it to pull off his sweatshirt.

I watched him, confused when he handed it to me. "You're freezing. Put it on."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. "Positive."

It smelt—warm. If that made sense. Almost sweet but like the ocean at the same time. It smelt like him.

"I used to—" he paused, as if debating on if he really wanted to say it. "I used to imagine these dumb scenarios in my head when I was a kid. With my dad."

I felt my heart sink as I carefully took his hand back in mine, giving him any opportunity to pull away if he wanted.

"Then, one day," he shrugged. "I couldn't remember what he sounded like. I couldn't remember his voice."

I moved my body closer to face him, wrapping my free hand around his neck. He let himself fall into me, his head landing on my shoulder. I rested my head on his, playing with his hair with my free hand.

"Tell me about them," I muttered, pressing a small kiss on his forehead.

And so he did.

Some were small, simple things, like helping fix the sink, hearing him come home from work, getting flowers for his mom for mothers day. Others were bigger. Each one made me want to pull him closer and hide him from the world. He didn't deserve the life he had.

Jess might make bad decisions, but he isn't a bad person. It's not his fault it's all he's been taught.

He never had a good example. His mom was a mess, and his dad left. He didn't have anyone to teach him how to be a person. Everything he is now, is from exposure. It's not his fault he has shitty parents, it's not his fault his life has been a complete disaster. None of it is his fault.

And I wanted so badly to show him that.

"You know I'm here for you, right?" I whispered. I felt his body shake slightly, his breathing quickening. "Slowly," he said.

I smiled against him, "that's good enough for me."

"What happened with your mom?" He asked, hesitantly. I took a deep breath, shrugging. He lifted up his head, turning to me. "Just a fight."

"Just a fight as in you'll be fine in a few days? Or just a fight as in," he trailed off. I looked down, "honestly? I have no idea."

"Regardless, don't worry about it too much, you guys will be fine eventually. Okay?"

I looked up at him. "Okay."

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now