48| Better Man.

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48 | Better Man.

| 3rd POV |

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"Hey, Jess!" Lorelai called out, looking up at the roof.

"Sorry, too loud?" He asked.

"Oh, no. It's fine. It's just—I've got a ton of leftover Chinese food in the kitchen and I thought you might like some lunch?" She raised her eyebrows.

"No, thanks."

"Okay," she nodded, starting to go back inside.

Jess's conversation with Sage began to play back in his head. He suddenly felt like she was standing right there, looking at him as if he'd just killed fifty kittens.

God damn it, Sage.

"Chinese sounds great." He said.

Lorelai looked back, shocked. "Really?"

He shrugged, "if you're sure you have enough." She laughed, "there plenty. Sage, Rory, and I decided to take on the entire chicken column last night. By the three of us, I mean Rory and I. Sage rarely engages in our ridiculous eating habbits. Sometimes I wonder if she's really a Gilmore."

"Ambitious." Jess quipped.

"Well, it's all out on the table, so come in when you're ready." She nodded. "I'm ready now." He said, internally cursing Sage and her stupid blue eyes.

"Okay, then I'll see you inside."

Lorelai went inside first, pulling out a plate. After a few minutes, Jess walked in. "So, um, basically everything here is chicken. You've got garlic chicken, kung pao chicken, Szechuan chicken, chicken in brown sauce, which looks and taste remarkably like Szechuan chicken except it's got these red peppers in it and if you eat them you die."

She took a deep breath, "plate?"

Jess understood where Sage got her rambling skills from.

He went over to wash his hands, attempting to make small talk.

"So, you guys aren't too hot in vegetables, huh?" He asked, walking over to her.

"What are eyou talking about? There's green pepper in the king pao." Lorelai said.

"My mistake," Jess replied.

"So, are you a healthy eater like Luke?"

"No," he scoffed. "No ones a healthy eater like Luke. Euell Gibbons wasn't a healthy eater like Luke."

"Wow, it's been ages since I heard a good Euell Gibbons reference."

"Many parts of the pine tree are edible." Jess said. "That's right. God I wonder what the research process was like to get that information."

"I'd say fairly painful." Jess nodded.

Lorelai took his plate, microwaving it. "So, how's school?"

"It's still there."

"You on any teams or anything?" She asked. "No, no." He shook his head.

"Not a jersey guy?"

"Definitely not a jersey guy. Though the thought of throwing a ball at some jocks head isn't entirely unappealing."

"Look, I'm not really good at this small talk thing." He sighed.

Lorelai shrugged, "you're doing okay." He nodded, looking down.

"Cold egg roll?" She offered.

"Why not?" He responded.

After taking a bite, she asked, "bad?" He nodded, "oh yeah."

Both of their heads turned when the door opened. The sound of footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"The next time someone let's me think carrying six bags filled with books is smart, I'm going to smack them with an easy bake open." Sage huffed.

She set down her six full sized bags filled with books down, nearly collapsing onto the floor.

"Good lord kid," Lorelai mumbled. "What'd you get?"

"Well," she began, pulling out down books. "A Room With A View, Middlemarch, Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day, I Capture The Castle, The Enchanted April, The Blue Castle, Cranford, Austenland, Ross Poldark, One Night For Love, A Summer to Remember, Persuasion, Mansfield Park, North and South, Wuthering Heights, Rebecca, The Secret Garden, Wives and Daughters, and like a billion others."

"You already have the last five," Jess smiled, watching her.

"Yes, but," she stated, "those are in hardcover, these are all paperbacks."

"Ah," he nodded.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now