65| Delicate.

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65 | Delicate.

| 3rd POV |

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"Who's Slint?" Jess asked, showing Sage a record.

"Like the offensive British word?" She asked, turning to him.

"Grudge quartet out of Kentucky. Two albums plus a double a-side single. Disbanded in ninety four." The owner said, out of nowhere.

"Thanks," Sage and Jess said, simultaneously. They looked at each other, smiling. Sage laughed before looking back. She flicked through a few more records, suddenly gasping. "Oh my god, oh my god."

"What is it?" Jess asked, looking over her shoulder, his body pressed against hers.

"The Go Go's." He mumbled. "Doesn't seem like your thing, princess." He teased.

"Not for me, idiot." She rolled her eyes. "For my mom, she loved them. And, it's signed by Belinda. I also haven't gotten her a graduation present yet, so this is perfect." She smiled.

"Graduation?" Jess asked, looking at her.

"From college, business class." Sage explained.

"I'm surprised she has time for anything besides lighting darts on fire and throwing them at my picture." He raised his eyebrows.

Sage pouted, putting a hand on his face. "Oh, my poor baby."

He rolled his eyes, but he found himself leaning into her touch. "I missed you," he whispered, not even meaning to.

Her face softened, her eyes darting between his eyes and his lips. "I missed you too." She mumbled.

Against everything her heart was telling her, she moved her hand away, telling him she was gonna go pay. He nodded, watching her the entire time.

"After you," she said, holding the door open for him.

"Absolutely not." He deadpanned, pushing her ahead of him.

They walked drown the street, her eyes dancing over to him occasionally and his to her.

"Have I ever told you you're a very pretty human?" She asked, tilting her head. He looked over at her, a small blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Aw, you're blushing," she laughed. "Shut up," he mumbled, walking ahead. She followed him, "make me."

He took a deep breath, grabbing her hand. "You can't say that, Sage."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm trying my best to keep things friendly, but you aren't making it very easy." He grumbled, slowing down.

Apart of her wanted to tell him not to. Apart of her wanted him to kiss her or to touch her. But she didn't say that, of course.

She looked down sheepishly. "Well, that seems like a you problem, pretty boy."

"You just love making my life difficult, don't you?"

"Oh, it's the best."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"I'm happy you came here." He said, wrapping her hand in his.

"Me too," she smiled. She also didn't want to go.

"Excuse me, I'm so sorry to bother you. Which way is 44th?" A man said, walking up to Sage and Jess.

"Um," Sage stumbled. "That way," she said, pointing to her best guess.

"Great, thank you."

"No problem." She smiled.

She quickly looked back at Jess, "I just got asked for directions! That was so fun."

He smiled, pressing his lips together. "I saw. Very impressive, except," he said, grabbing her waist and spinning her around.

"44th is that way," he whispered.

"God dang it."

"Poor man, I should go find him." She huffed. Jess smiled, shaking his head. "It's okay, I will. You'll miss your bus."

"Thank you," she smiled, leaning into him.

"He did ask me for directions, that's still cool." She nodded.

"I'm your witness." He agreed.

She sighed, turning around. For the first time in a while, she didn't care how close they were. She wrapped her arms around his neck, being careful of her cast, hugging him. He placed his hands on her waist, his head on her shoulder.

"I should go," she whispered.

"I know." He said, not wanting to let her go.

She pulled away, using his shoulders to push her up as she kissed his forehead. He smiled, doing the same to her.

She let go of him, going to leave, but he stopped her. "Wait." She looked back, meeting his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Why'd you come here? Honestly?"

She took a deep breath, fiddling with her hands as she looked down. Her eyes found his once more, blue against hazel.

"You didn't say goodbye." She mumbled.

His facade nearly crumbled as his face dropped. "Oh." He whispered.

She gave a tight smile, her eyes threatening to well up. She never cried. Like ever. But tears had welled up in her eyes more times since he left than in a year. Literally, Sage did the math.

"Bye, princess." He smiled softly. Just for her.

Her eyes lit up, meeting his. "Bye, idiot."

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