6| Marys Song.

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6 | Mary's Song.

| 3rd POV |

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"I want to die," Sage groaned, leaning against her locker.

"Can't happen," Madeline shook her head beside her, grabbing a book. "I'd miss you too much."

Sage smiled lazily at her friend, glancing over at Rory across the hall. Her sister waved, quickly walking into her class.

"What is it this time? Not enough coffee?" Madeline asked, pulling her long, blonde hair into a claw clip.

"No," Sage sighed. Madeline glanced at her.

"Fine, yes."

"Figured," she grinned, grabbing her hand, beginning to walk down the hall.

"I've only had two cups today, Maddy," Sage leaned her head on her shoulder, having to stand up fully to reach her, due to her friends height. "That's not okay. How am I supposed to survive?"

"You should try some tea, it's good for you." Maddy nodded, Sage glared.

"Just saying." She shrugged.

The pair kept talking as they walked, Maddy smiling at everyone, while Sage kept her eyes cast downwards.

"Do you wanna hang out later? Mom said I have to go to my dad's early this week, she has a date." Maddy's parents were divorced, her mom lives in Hartford, while her dad lives in Stars Hollow.

"Yeah, always," Sage agreed, "but can we go to the bookstore? I have like nothing to read."

Madeline snorted, "you mean you have nothing of your current interest that you want to read. You definitely have stuff to read, S." She teased.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Either way, I need more books."

"Alright," Sage sighed, unlatching her hand from her friends, "this is my stop."

Maddy stood on the other side of the hall, getting ready to enter her class. "See you at Chem?"

"Yes ma'am," she nodded. They parted ways, both going into different classes.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Excellent job, Sage," Max—Mr. Medina, said, smiling down at Sage as he placed her test on her desk. She still wasn't completely used to calling him Mr. Medina again.

After the thing with him and Lorelai, it was still a bit awkward for her. But she's always really liked her English teacher, even before they started dating.

She looked down, seeing a A+ on her paper.

"Thank you," she said, as he moved on.

English was also Sage's favorite class, probably due to the fact that she'd already read all the books necessary, Shakespeare was like her god, and she loved writing.

At the sound of the bell, Sage grabbed her bag, tossing her paper into her bag. She wasn't a very organized pery, but somehow she always knew where everything was.

A chaoticly messy organizational strategy that required zero extra effort and was oddly controlled, is what she called it.

She really had to work on the name.

"Alright everyone," Mr. Medina said as everyone began cleaning up. "Please remember your assignments. Loneliness is the safest place I know. This is from Alone, by Edgar Allan Poe. I want you to analyze what you think he meant by this quote." He explained.

"I want you all to hand in your answers, in essay format, explaining how you interpret the quote. There is no correct answers, and this is not mandatory, simply for extra credit. If you are deciding not to partake in the other extra credit assignment, also due tomorrow, I, most certainly, do recommend doing this one. If you'd like, both is fine as well, but remember to not overwork yourselves. And if the reason of it being bad for you doesn't suffice, it will show on your work. Everyone understand?"

Everyone nodded, while small "yes's" came from around the classroom.

"Okay, you all may go."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"You're really doing both assignments?" Madeline asked, walking next to Sage on the side walk.

"Yep," the girl nodded, adjusting her backpack.

"You already have 100% in the class, you don't need to do any extra credit, much less both of them."

"No, but it also doesn't hurt, does it?" Sage looked at her best friend, smiling.

"No, I guess not." The blonde girl sighed. "Just please don't overwork yourself, Sage. I don't need you passing out on the way to school again."

"Oh come on!" Sage exclaimed, "it was one time."

"You didn't sleep for three days!"

"I was fine," Sage scoffed. She did appreciate the concern, but she was fine. If getting a perfect GPA meant occasionally passing out due to sleep deprivation, she could live with that.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you," Maddy apologized. Sage took a breath, grabbing her friends hand.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you, I know you're just concerned."

The two stayed in silence the rest of the way to the bookstore. Maddy's eyes stayed focused on the ground, while Sage found hers wandering to a certain boy she'd met recently.

Across the street, Jess was walking with Luke. He was wearing a long sleeve gray shirt and jeans.

Sage physically couldn't look away from his arms.

Holy shish kabobs.

Oh my god—bad Sage, bad. Very very very bad. Get yourself together.

Suddenly, his eyes met hers. Luke was talking, but Jess wasn't really listening anymore.

Sage was wearing her uniform, medium navy blue blazer with the blue plaid skirt. Her black hair was half up, half down, the under layer splayed out on her shoulders. Her eyes twinkling in the light from the sun.

She waved her hand slightly, just enough for him to notice.

He smiled a bit in response, while Luke was completely oblivious to the interaction, too busy rambling on about whatever. They turned the corner, slowly disappearing out of Sage's sight.

But Jess's eyes stayed locked on hers the entire time.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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