38| Snow On The Beach.

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38 | Snow On The Beach.

| Sage's POV |

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"This one?"

"Ew," I mumbled.

"No way, it's too big. It raises expectations." Mom nodded, looking at other baskets. "Like there's actually a home cooked lunch in there?" Rory teased.

"Instead of whatever's left over in our refrigerator? Exactly." Mom nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want to do this with us, Sage? It'll be fun!" Rory asked.

I scoffed, "when have I ever shown any interest in this thing? The day I stand on a podium with a basket of food and let someone sell me off for a few dollars, is the day Michael Corleone has a normal relationship with his wife after joining the freaking mafia. If men get too over their heads about this, it could literally begin setting feminism back twenty years."

Mom nodded, "fair."

"I'm gonna go in the back, I need more pens." I said, tossing Rory a basket. "Didn't you just get some like a week ago?" She asked. "Yeah, it was a fifteen back!" Mom exclaimed.

I shrugged, "I write a lot."

I passed a few people, slowly making my way to the back of the store. I also needed another notebook. Or two.

"Looking for these?"

I turned around, seeing Jess leaning against the wall, a pack of pens in his hand.

I sighed dramatically, "you know me so well." He grinned, tossing them to me.

I peeked around his shoulder, not seeing anyone. I smiled, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling his head down.

His lips met mine softly, his fingers sliding into the belt loops on my jeans.

I let one of my hands move down, resting on his chest. Against everything my mind was telling me to do, I slightly pushed him away, but his hands kept my waist close to him.

When our lips seperated, I felt him smile. Genuinely. Not the teasing smirk he'd give everyone else, but a real one.

"You taste like coconuts," I mumbled, feeling his breath on my lips.

"You taste like vanilla." He said.

I giggled a bit, finally putting a small amount of distance between us. I moved his hands away from my waist, instead intertwining ours together.

"You're beautiful," he muttered, his eyes on mine.

I felt myself blush, looking down. "And you're a liar," I teased, letting go of his hands as I walked around him.

I needed another English and psychology notebook. I've already gone through about three for each class so far, but I write the most for those two. I grabbed a dark purple one then a blue one.

I felt Jess behind me, not too close, but when he leaned his head down I could feel his breath on my neck.

"You are beautiful," he repeated.

I rolled my eyes, but I was unable to stop my smile from growing.

We had been keeping this thing a secret for a little while now. We were careful, me more than him. No one had said anything, I did get a long talk from mom about the almost kiss. She didn't know anything else though.

It was just a lot of, "he's bad for you, Sage," and "I only want what's best for you," oh, even a few, "I know what it's like, but it's not worth it, I promise."

I told her I understood, and to a certain extent, I wasn't lying.

I knew I'd probably regret this. I knew he was most likely going to break my heart. I just didn't really mind at the moment.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen." I mumbled.

"Oh come on sweetheart, it's not so bad. Just think of the boys!" Ms. Patty smiled, not even paying much attention to me.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a small tap on my shoulder. I turned around, my eyes widening.

"Come on," Jess mouthed.

I motioned over to the bidding crowd, my mom and Rory in the middle. He shrugged, giving me a small pout. "Please?" He whispered.

I sighed, looking at him. "Fine."

Carefully, I snuck away from Patty, following Jess behind a few trees. "What are you doing?" I asked, watching as he grabbed something.

He pulled out a small basket with a dollar bill.

I laughed, tilting my head. "I'm confused." He smiled, "you have to have lunch with me now."

"I'm not sure that's how it works. I think I'm supposed to make the basket then you pay Taylor."

He rolled his eyes, throwing the basket "whatever, it was empty anyways."

He moved closer to me, his hands wrapping around my waist. "I wanna see you," he said, "everyones busy now, so nobody will even notice that were gone." I took a breath, silently debating.

When he saw I was still on the edge, he broke apart from me for a moment, grabbing something else from by the trees.

"I have coffee," he held out a cup.

I looked at him. "Deal."

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now