16| Begin Again.

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16 | Begin Again.

| Sage's POV |

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Halfway through volume three, now nine cups of coffee deep, I heard a tap on my window. Then another. There was a part of me that ultimately assumed I was going insane.

I'm guessing that's what eight hours of reading psychology books will do to you.

I sat down my pen, my hand practically trembling from writing so much, and looked up.

Oh my god.

My eyes widened, seeing Jess standing outside of my window. Jess.

Jess, as in Luke's nephew, one of my mom's least favorite people, the person who annotated my favorite copy of Pride and Prejudice, the boy with the pretty eyes, and the boy who most certainly should not be at my window at the moment.

Or at any moment, for that matter.

He met my eyes, waving at me. I stood up, quickly moving over to my window. I looked back, checking that my door was completely shut, before unlocking my window and pulling it open.

"Hey princess," he smirked.

"What are you doing? And what on earth would lead you to think whatever that is, could ever be a relatively good idea?" I asked.

"Let me in, and maybe I'll tell you." He shrugged, his eyes sparking from the moonlight.

I took a deep breath, rechecking my door, before taking a step backwards. "Hurry up, it's freezing out there. You're gonna get frostbite."

His lips turned up even more, before he carefully stepped into my room, making sure to keep his feet off my treasured, white fluffy rug. Appreciated, I thought. That thing takes years to clean.

"Hello," I mumbled, feeling much more nervous as he looked down at me. "Hi." He replied, his eyes moving to my desk. "Psychology, huh?"

"Yeah," I nodded, taking a step back at the realization of how close we were.

When he didn't say anything, I cleared my throat. "So, what are you doing here?" I wasn't sure what particularly I was asking. Outside my window? Inside my room? This freaking close to me?Whichever question he did answer, would be immensely appreciated, regardless.

"Wanna go to the bookstore?" He tilted his head back to me, his eyes running down my body.

I was wearing high waisted grey sweatpants, with a cropped LA shirt Maddy had given me. My body was relatively covered, yet with the way he looked at me, I felt completely and utterly bare. Like he could just see right through me. It was incredibly unnerving and slightly frustrating.

I looked over at my clock. "It's midnight." I said. "Fascinating," he replied, dryly.

Excuse you, was that attitude? It really is the sassy men apocalypse. This is getting out of control. "It's midnight," I repeated, "the bookstore closes at ten on Wednesdays. Andrew has date night with his wife, Gracie."

"And?" He asked.

"What do you mean and? It's closed."

"Once again," he took a step forward, making my efforts of increasing the distance between us pointless. "And?"

I narrowed my eyes, crossing my arms. "I'd like to believe you aren't a complete idiot, regardless of the ever present urge to, but you continue to make it extremely difficult for me."

He rolled his eyes. "Maybe, you're the one who needs to widen her views, princess." He teased, inching his face closer to me.

I scoffed, "I think my views are perfectly wide. In fact, I have a 150% in philosophy. I also know math. Meaning, that I know midnight is definitely after ten, which means the only way-oh my god," I gasped. "We are not breaking into a bookstore!' I whispered, smacking his shoulder.

Despite Jess's attempt to hide it, a smile tugged on his lips. "It's not breaking in if I have a key, now is it?" He pulled something out of his pocket, dangling a silver key in front of my face.

"How did you get that?" I went to grab it, but he moved his hand back, taking another step closer.

"Doesn't matter. Now come on, you'll have fun, I promise." He encouraged, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

I went to object, but something stopped me.

I'm not sure why or how, but when I met his eyes, I found myself whispering the word, "fine."

There was something with the way his lips curved upwards, the way his eyes twinkled, the way his body heat was radiating onto mine. Something in the tension between us that made me say yes. There was just something about him.

Perhaps, it was the bad boy attitude all girls somehow gravitated to. Or the way his body practically dominated mine. Perchance, it was the sense of control I felt with him, even though I certainly had none. But something made me tick. Something made me want to be around him. With him. Completely incased in his energy. Maybe it was just all the psychology twirling around in my head, dancing devilishly with my heart, but apart of me recognized something there. In his eyes.

When the words left my lips, I couldn't help but notice the way his pupils dilated.

Truthfully, I think mine did too.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now