70| Would've, Could've, Should've.

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70 | Would've, Could've, Should've.

| Sage's POV |

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"It is three in the morning, mom, what could you possibly what?" I asked, setting down my pen.

"I just called Rory asking her to analyze my dream and she said some completely untrue nonsense, so, I'm coming to you, my little soon to be Psych major." She said, as I readjusted my hold on the phone.

"Hey, I still haven't decided yet," I said, referring to my major. "But come on, let me hear it."

She then went on to explain her entire thirty alarm clock, Luke in the kitchen, not naked surprisingly, decaf coffee, kissing, then stomach kissing, dream.

"You're in love with Luke," I deadpanned.

"Sage!" She exclaimed.

I shrugged, "what? Coming from your possibly soon to be Psych major, that's the truth. Sorry Sarah Parker."

"Ugh, not funny." She groaned.

"Shut up, I'm hilarious." I teased, shutting my notebook.

At no response, I sighed. "Mom?"

"I miss you and Rory," she mumbled. I smiled softly, tucking my knees up to my chest. "I miss you, too. We'll both be home soon, don't worry. Just one more day."

"What are you doing tomorrow? I know Rory has a thing with the government or whatever, but what about you?" She asked.

"Well," I started, "Wesley and I are having lunch with the creators of the program, they wanted to talk to us."

Wesley also started the study abroad program with me. We'd actually become really good friends over the last seven weeks.

"Oh really? Fun. See if you can seduce them into giving you like a million dollars." She said. I smiled, "I will try my best."

"Alright, see you Friday, genius."

"See you Friday, mom." I hung up, my eyes running over my notebook.

"Everything okay?" Wesley asked, from the bed beside me. I nodded, a soft smile on my face.

"You should go to bed, it's way past your bedtime." I pointed, narrowing my eyes. "Like you can talk, I haven't seen you go to bed until after two the entire time we've been here." He teased.

"Yeah, duh. I'm freaking Batman, don't you know this by now?" I smiled.

He sighed dramatically, shaking his head. "God, how could I forget? Here you are, saving our world internally with your humor and saving it externally with your impressive crime fighting skills."

"I'm multi talented." I shrugged.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Miss Gilmore, Mr. Hendrix, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you both." A black haired woman smiled, all professional.

"You as well," Wesley said, stepping a bit in front of me. He's always been better at the whole talking thing.

"I'm Mrs. Dupont, this is Mr. Lanchester, Mr. Jaxon, and Mrs. Lively." She explained, motioning to the other four people in the room. I spent the next minute introducing myself. Everyone seemed nice relatively.

"So, we wanted to speak with you, as you know. In your short amount of time here, you have both proven yourselves exceptionally. You have been, without a doubt, the best of your other classmates." Mr Lanchester said, gesturing for Mr. Jaxon to take over.

"Mr. Hendrix, I've heard you've chosen business, correct?" Wesley nodded, looking much different than the guy I was used to.

While Mr. Jaxon and Mrs. Lively talked to him, the other two walked up to me.

"I've become aware you haven't chosen what you want to do yet, Miss Gilmore." Mr. Lanchester said to me. "But we also know you have some options," Mrs. Dupont smiled.

"I'm a little torn," I nodded. They motioned for me to continue. "I believe I'm suck between Psychology, English Literature, and Criminology."

"Those are all excellent options, I could honestly see any of then working for you, based off your skill points." They glanced at each other. "We've created a list of the very best school in the country, and which of those will best support what you chose." They handed me a sheet of paper.

"We deeply encourage you to review that, and make your eventual college decision based on it." They nodded. "Whatever you do chose, just know you will certainly be getting a letter of recommendation in our name."

"Thank you so much, for everything. This has been one of the best experiences of my life." I said, shaking both of their hands.

"We are just glad to have had you here, Sage."

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