49| A Place In This World.

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49 | A Place In This World.

| Sage's POV |

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"Jeez, look at this place." Mom muttered, sitting down at a table.

"It's a mess." Rory and I replied.

"Nope—you can't sit here," Luke exclaimed, popping up behind us.

"Why not?" Mom looked at him. "Three people got nails in the head here earlier." He said. "Aw, you care about us." I fakely pouted.

"Their food was okay, right?" Mom asked.

"Will you just move?"

He was interrupted by mom getting a phone call, "outside!" He demanded. "I'm following, I don't feel like getting hit with a brick." Rory sighed, getting up.

"Order some coffee," they both told me. I gave them a thumbs up as they walked outside.

Suddenly I looked up, seeing Jess standing right infront of me. He opened an umbrella, placing it over my head.

I laughed, taking it from him. He smiled back, his eyes sparking.

"Oh, you are really funny," Luke said, dryly. "You and Tom should put an act together."

"You also look very cute in blue." I teased, motioning to his construction hat. "Like a baby mushroom."

After he walked away, Luke looked at me. "I'd leave it open if I was you."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"So, my two teenage daughters, home alone for the night." Mom smiled, looking at the both of us.

"Whatcha gonna do? Throw a party, I hope." She said.

"You are the only person I know who has ever said that sentence." I mumbled.

"Well, I'm going to Lane's. Her mom is finally ungrounding her—well, partly. I can only go over there, she can't leave." Rory nodded, turning to me. "So, you're gonna be home alone."

"Oh, yay! Out of you two, Sage is definitely more likely to do something bad." Mom clapped.

I shrugged, "I'll probably end up buying another kitten. Willow and Ivy are lonely. Oh! Maybe I'll get a dog." I pondered, hearing a horn outside.

"Grandma's here." Rory said.

"Why is she honking? She hates honking." Mom questioned. "She calls it a mechanical bodily function."

Rory and I followed her downstairs and outside, my eyes widening. "Jesus pepperoni on a corndog," I muttered, staring at a Limo.

"Good luck," I told mom.

"Thanks." she said, "I'll need it."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

Later on at school, I found myself walking next to Maddy.

"Home alone? You? Try not to burn the house down." Maddy smiled, grabbing her books from her locker.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I rolled my eyes.

"You really can't come over?" I asked. She sighed, "I wish. My mom wants me to meet her boyfriend. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll survive."

"Oh, tell me how it goes. And if he'd be a hot step dad." I told her.

"I will certainly inform you if there's a glass shattering fight, and if the man who could possibly end up being a father figure is conventionally attractive in any way." She said, nodding.

"That's my girl."

School was as boring as always, except for an incident with one girl's boyfriend breaking up with her mid test. Poor Becca.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Hey baby," I mumbled, kneeling down next to Willow. She purred, rubbing her head against my hand. Ivy was still sleeping up on my bed.

"Traitor," I smiled.

I got up, pulling my textbooks out of my bag. There was no particular test I had to stress about at the moment, which was unusual, and I'd already read all the assigned books for each of my classes. I had absolutely nothing to do.

I groaned, getting back up and walking over to my bookshelf, which I had almost completely filled up already.

My eyes skimmed over the books, realizing how incredibly unorganized all of them were. Well, there's something for me to spend the next five hours on.

So, that's what I did. I debated on different ways to organize, by color, size, page length, at random. There were many possibilities.

I'd decided to sort by author and series, seeing as I had noticed a theme.

A lot of Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Allan Poe, Plato, Emily Bronte, and Charles Dickens.

I kept all my paperbacks on my smaller bookshelf, and my hardcovers on the bigger one. Halfway through, I remembered all the other places I'd stored books over the years. Under my bed, in both of my closets, in my desk, under my desk, on top of my desk, on top of my dressers, in my dressers, even in a hidden loose floorboard I had in my floor. I used to use that to hide books I didn't necessarily want my mom finding.

Lady Chatterley's Lover, The Story Of O, Tropic of Cancer, The History of a Temptation, books like that.

Twelve year old me was fascinating.

After pulling out all of my books and counting, I had seven hundred and thirteen.

I was pretty much spot on with my time assumption, except it took about forty minutes longer due to a few distractions.

Just as I finished, I heard a knock on the door. I looked back at my bookshelves, seeing Ivy and Willow both curled up on top of some of the books, their tails intertwined. I smiled, before walking out of my room and over to the door.

I opened it, looking up.


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