2| Lover.

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2 | Lover.

| 3rd POV |

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"Oh Sage, perfect, there you are." The girl turned, seeing her mom and sister walking out of Luke's.

She made her way over to them, letting her backpack dangle off her shoulder.

"I've been summoned," she said, walking faster to meet their pace. "That you have." Lorelai smiled, swiping a piece of black hair out of her eye.

"We are having a little gathering tomorrow night." She said, directing her attention back to both of her kids.

"Of course we are," Sage resisted the urge to groan.

"What kind of gathering?" Rory asked. "Luke's nephew's here, and I thought we could try to make him feel a little more at home." Lorelai explained, enunciating with her hands. "Did you meet him?" Sage's sisters voice was painfully cheerful. It always was. She was way too happy 24/7 for her taste.

"Sort of," their mom did a half shrug. "What's he like?" Said Rory.

As the two of them spoke, Sage pulled her hair back into a high ponytail, letting her curtain bangs fall loosely against her face.

"Well, he's not gonna be subbing for the new Dodo on the Regis show anytime soon. Let's put it like that."

"That bad?" Sage asked, popping her head between the two. Her mom sighed, nodding.

Oh no, Sage thought.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Oh! Oh! Oh! The Bob Newhart Show?" Lorelai guessed, holding the card against her forehead.

"Which one?" Sage urged, glancing down at the hourglass.

"Um," she sucked in a breath, "1961?"

"Yes!" Rory clapped.

Lorelai threw down her card, jumping up, "ha! Eat me."

Sage handed her another one. "Thirty more seconds."

"Okay, um—" Rory thought, glancing at her sister.

"House painter, sarcasm, breast cancer, self-involved, single mother," Sage rambled, listening them off on her fingers.

Her mom groaned, "oh come on! That could be so many!"

She threw her hands in the air, pushing Rory forwards. "Okay uh, FYI, Devil With a Blue Dress On, televised journalist, controversial—" she trailed off.


"YES!" The twins said, immediately glancing at each other.

"Never again," Sage pointed.
"Agreed." Rory nodded.

"Okay, okay, it's my turn." The younger one said, tanking the card from their mom. Lorelai sighed, but moved over to Sage on the other side of the table.

"Alright, let's do this," Lorelai placed out her hand, giving Sage a high five.

Rory put the card on her head, internally preparing herself. She flipped the hourglass, starting the minute over again.

"First American sitcom," Sage said, almost immediately.

Rory's eyes snapped to me, "Mary Kay and Johnny?"

"You're so good at this," their mom huffed, tossing her daughter another card.

"Judge," Sage said first. Her mom added on, "jean wearing liberal eccentric."

"Night shift, Manhattan," Sage encouraged, practically watching the gears shift in her head.

"Night Court!" Rory exclaimed, earning cheers from her family.

"Old people," Lorelai began, setting the scene. Rory's eyebrows creased as she tilted her head.

"Divorced, completely opposites," Sage kept on, "New York City apartment."

"Um," Lorelai trailed off, putting a finger in the air. "Photographer and sportswriter?"

"Oh!" Rory jumped up, "The Odd Couple!"

"Yes, yes, yes! God I love you!" Their mom laughed.

With nine seconds left she gave Rory another card. "You got this," her sister told her.

"Allan Brady," was all Sage needed to say.





"I need more coffee."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Next time I think it's even slightly agreeable to stay up till 3 am playing 'guess the old tv sitcom', smack me with a pan." Rory mumbled, laying her head on her sisters shoulder.

Sage snickered, holding up her body as they walked. "I'll do that regardless."

Her sister sighed, standing up fully again. "How was school for you? I didn't see you much, we have like none of the same classes." She asked. Sage was upset about that too, but they still spent lunch together. "It was alright, I punched Betty Crocker again," She shrugged.

"Wait no way, that was you?! Again? Dang, that's like the 3rd time."

Bailey Manchester, or, as the sisters like to call her, Betty Crocker, due to an incident with brownies in 2nd grade, sucked.

"What'd she do this time?" They turned onto their street, slowing their pace a bit. "Shoved Maddy's sister into a locker."

"Oh, poor girl," Rory sighed.

Maddy, or Madeline, is Sage's best and only friend in school. Her younger sister, Becca, gets bullied a lot, mostly by Bailey.

The two both stopped in front of their house, looking at each other.

"Ready for complete chaos?" Sage asked.

"As I'll ever be," Rory replied.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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