25| Labyrinth.

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25 | Labyrinth.

| 3rd POV |

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Study, school, study, school, study.

That was how Sage spent the next week of her life. If she wasn't in school, she was studying, if she wasn't studying, she was reading, if she wasn't reading, she was drinking coffee, if she wasn't drinking coffee, she was sleeping.

That last one was a rare occurrence.

Besides school, she hadn't been outside her room for seven straight days. Not even to Luke's. Kirk had even begun to ask about the poor kid.

After being forced to take a break from writing, due to her shaking hands, which she was unaware if they were caused by the insane amount of coffee in her system, or the constant anxiety she had been feeling, she placed her head in her hands, rubbing her temple.

On top of learning four languages, she had an Environmental Science quiz, an English test, and a Calculus test to study for.

Sage had been through a lot of pressure academically in her life, she'd stayed up multiple nights in a row studying, it wasn't a new thing for her. But this time? It was bad. Probably, one of her worst.

She played with her thumbs through the thumb holes in her shirt. She was wearing a simple long sleeved white turtleneck, with black flared leggings. Oh, and a pair of white fluffy socks.

A necessity, if you asked her.

At the familiar sound of tapping on her window, she looked up. Jess, again.

She let a tired smile grace her lips as she got up, unlocking her window. She pulled it upwards, looking down.

"Hey, princess." He said.

"Hi," she mumbled.

His head fell to the side, as he took in her state. She was clearly tired, and judging by the four books open on her desk and the three other notebooks, she probably wasn't going to bed anytime soon. She still, however, looked gorgeous.

Sage's hair was in two messy braids, her curtain bangs dangling in front of her face. She wasn't wearing any makeup, so her freckles were much more visible. She had on a black pair of round frame glasses, which she rarely wore in public, much prefering her contacts. But, Jess thought they made her eyes look even more beautiful.

"Wanna come in?" She whispered, as if talking any louder was impossible.

"Actually," Jess said, a small smile on his lips, one that made Sage's stomach tingle. "How about you come out here?"

She tilted her head, her braids falling into her shoulders. "What do you mean?" She asked.

He looked at her, eyes twinkling. "Go with me. Somewhere. Anywhere, I don't care. Just for a bit."

She stared at him. Trying to stop her smile from growing was pointless, she knew that. Her head and her heart were internally debating. Her head knew she had a million things to do, and not enough time as it is. Her head knew this was dumb.

But her heart?

"Okay," she sighed.

His eyebrows rose, slightly expecting to need more convincing. "Yeah?" She nodded, "yeah."

Rory was at her last rehearsal before her play, she'd be gone for awhile, seeing as she was seeing Lane after. Her mom was at class, and she would be for some time.

Maybe, a break could be good for her.

She quickly grabbed a piece of paper, writing down a few words, before placing it on the front of her door. She said she was sleeping, which was a good excuse, because she knew neither of them would come in incase they woke her up. Seeing as it wasn't too cold outside yet, Sage stayed in her previous clothes, just throwing on her pair of light brown converse. She gave Willow and Ivy some food, incredibly thankful they were old enough to be fed actual cat food now.

Once she told Jess she was ready, he held out his hand, helping her climb out her window.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

A few minutes later, they found themselves at the bridge.

"I wanna get to know you."

"You do know me." Jess said, looking over at Sage.

"No," she shook her head, meeting his eyes. Chocolate brown with a hint of green. Dangerous. Beautiful. Perfect. "The 'attractive, I don't care, bad boy,' attitude isn't you." She said, "at least not completely. I want to know the person you are when nobody else is around."

They were both quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was a soft silence, a peaceful one. He broke it, a smile tugging on his lips. "So, you think I'm attractive?"

She rolled her eyes, "shut up." But she was smiling too.

She looked back at the water in front of them, the moonlight reflecting off it. His eyes, however, stayed on her.

They always did.

She didn't realize, but anytime they met eyes and she looked away, his stayed. Latched onto her. Completely at their own accord. If Jess wanted to pull them away, he wasn't sure he'd be able to. She was intoxicating. Completely and unequivocally addicting.

"Ask." He said, out of nowhere.

She turned to him, sparks dancing in her eyes. "What?"

"Ask me anything, and I'll answer it." Jess said. "Minimal emotion deflecting, sarcastic jokes included." He teased.

She didn't have to think, instead blurting out the first thing that came to mind. "What's you favorite color?"

His eyebrows creased. "What?"

She smiled, "what's your favorite color? I'm beginning to think you have some hearing issues."

"I tell you you can ask me anything, and you ask for my favorite color?"

She shrugged. "I figured start small, and slowly work up towards the heart bending trauma."

"Alright, alright. Whatever you say." He watched as she pulled her legs against her chest, her body facing his.

"So," she began, "favorite color?"

He looked into her eyes. "Blue."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now