42| If This Was A Movie.

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42 | If This Was A Movie.

| 3rd POV |

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Sage looked up from her position on the floor, hearing a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" Lorelai asked.

She shrugged, closing her book. "Not my house. You can do whatever you want."

"Oh, maybe you should paint the walls pink, hm? Get a little inspiration from Sookie." She taunted, her face blank.

Lorelai huffed, closing the door. "Just listen to me for one second, okay?" Sighing, Sage stood up, moving to one of the chairs instead. "Go ahead." She said.

"I don't wanna lock you up and throw away the key."

"Well, good. It'd be useless anyway, I know how to pick locks." Sage quipped.

"Your judgement means something, especially to me. I can't be your eyes, and your ears, and your brain. That isn't fair." Lorelai said.

"I'm failing to see what this has to do with absolutely anything."

"I got scared." Lorelai clarified. "I know it messes with the cool, chill mom persona we have together, but I did. And I'm sorry."

Sage took a deep breath, "it's okay."

"Now, I am concerned about Jess. You and him, to be specific." She said.

Sage looked away, "you shouldn't be."

"Too bad, because I am. However," she paused. "You're a smart girl, a very good judge of character, and the fact that he does seem to like you, gives him some brownies points. Key word, some. So don't get too excited."

Sage felt herself smile a bit.

"You're not a little kid. I don't think you were ever actually a little kid. You practically helped me raise your sister." She said. "And it was wrong of me to call you naive, because you aren't. It's a blessing and a curse. You're impossible to win an argument against. It's been that way since you were four."

"Its a gift," Sage shrugged.

"If you really think he's a decent guy, I have to respect your judgement."

Sage felt herself smile a bit, "thank you."

"But I'm asking you to be careful. Very, very careful." Lorelai said. "I will." She nodded, meaning it.

"And, I'm so sorry if I ever made you feel like less than your sister. You both are absolutely amazing people, and I love you equally." Said Lorelai, grabbing her daughters hand. Sage smiled, "it's okay."

"Is the fight over?"

Sage sighed dramatically, leaning back. "Hm, I don't know. Rory, how long do you think I could wallow to get whatever I want?"

At the sound of her name, the door came swinging open, Rory falling in from the other side.

"Maybe a week?" She mumbled, rubbing her head.

Sage laughed, while Lorelai was just speechless. "How'd you know she was back there?"

"I think you forget we're twins. We just know things." They said, simultaneously.

"But yeah, fights over." Sage smiled. "Good," Lorelai grinned, standing up.

age and Rory walked over to each other, each of them holding out a hand.

"Everything's okay?" Rory asked.

"Everything's okay." Sage said, giving her a high five.

They both turned back to their mom, giving each other a glance. "You still don't look okay." Sage pointed out.

Their mom signed, "my mother agreed with me tonight."

"I'm so sorry." The twins said, holding out their arms. Lorelai smiled, hugging them both.

"Thank you, I appreciate that."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

Later that night, Sage walked into her room, the house phone in her hand.

Softly, she shut her door, tossing her jacket onto her bed as her eyes glanced over Jess's sweatshirt, which was hanging up next to his leather jacket inside her closet.

She smiled, dialing a number.


"Hi," Sage said, picking at her nails.

A few streets over, inside the apartment above Luke's diner, Jess sat up from his position on his bed, shutting his book.

"Hi." He repeated, a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?" She asked, holding the phone against her ear as she ran her fingers over the soft fabric of his hoodie.

"Nothing, you?"

"Nothing." She mumbled.

"Why'd you call? Is everything okay?"

"I, um—I wanted to, uh—" she stuttered, not even thinking.

He laughed a bit, "I'm glad you called." She felt herself relax a bit, just now realizing she was pacing. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Why?" She said, her words not even registering as she spoke. He shrugged, "I like your voice."

She laughed, falling back onto her bed. "You sound like a stalker," she teased, her eyes running over the book on her pillow she was reading earlier.

Visions of Cody.

He smiled, "I feel like one. Look in your closet." He gave her a moment. "Which one?" She asked, standing up. "The one on the left."

She did as he said, immediately smiling when she saw it. "Oh my god."

She was currently looking at a brand new bookcase, mahogany colored to match her other one.

"I had to get your friend to help me get it in there." Jess mumbled, completely able to hear the smile on her face as she talked.

"Thank you so much," she told him, already thinking of how to pay him back.

"Anytime, princess," he said, his hand brushing the cover of The Great Gatsby.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now