31| Willow.

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31 | Willow.

| 3rd POV |

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Love your snowman." Jess said, Sage followed his gaze. "How'd you know which one?" She asked.

He gave her a look.

She nodded, "fair."

"It kind of looks like Bjork." Jess pointed out, Sage smiled. "That's exactly what we were going for."

"Your idea, I'm guessing?"

"Duh?" She laughed.

"It's sad, such a good idea wasted on a rigged competition." She tisked.

"What do you mean?" She grabbed his chin, forcing his eyes off her and onto the stupid Picasso looking snowman. "You do see that, right?"

Jess scoffed, "oh please. Too dramatic. Way too show off."


"You should win." He looked back at her, a lazy grin on his face.

"Finally! We agree on something." She held out her hand. He did the same, giving her a high five.

"I have something for you," she said, waiting for him to get off the sleigh. He held out his hand, helping her down.

"Oh yeah?"

She nodded, motioning for him to follow her back inside.

He followed her mindlessly, waiting behind her as she said hi to Madeline, who just got back from vacation, then walking up the stairs right behind her, knowing she had a thing with tripping up the stairs.

He followed her into a room, two beds but only one bag placed on one. "My mom and Rory are sharing a room, so I'm alone." She explained.

She reached into her backpack, pulling out a book. She handed it to him, earning a smile in reply.

Ever since the night in the bookstore, every week the two of them would give each other a book, annotated.

"I've got one for you, too." He said.

Then they made their way over to Jess's room, him right beside her this time.

They both went in, seeing Luke setting his jacket down. "Hi," Sage smiled.


He looked between the two of them.

Jess's eyes rolled, "relax, uncle Luke. I'm giving her a book."

Luke's eyes narrowed, "is that some kind of innuendo?"

Sage snorted, "yeah it's code for I'm giving her the opportunity to take away any holy bone she has left—oh! Thank you!" She smiled, looking at the book in her hands.

Little Women, one of her favorites.

"Okay, whatever." Luke sighed.

Sage and Jess looked at each other, smiling.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Welcome, lords, and ladies. I call upon these sprightly horns to commence our proceedings."

At the sound of the horns, Sage looked past Luke, meeting Jess's eyes, smiles present on both of their faces from the ridiculousness of it all.

"Chuck Mangione, want to back up a step?" The guy said, hitting the horns way from his face.

"And now, fair people, I present my lord and master, the honorable Squire Bracebridge." Everyone began to clap.

Jess hit Luke's shoulder, muttering something. He rolled his eyes, asking Sage if she wanted to switch places.

She smiled, nodding.

Sage sat down, now next to Jess, watching as Jackson came out, dressed in orange. "He looks like a pumpkin," she mumbled, Jess smiled. "Or a mushroom," he replied.

"Oh!" She whispered, "one of those monkeys. The orange ones."

"Lo! Now has come our joyfulest feast. Let every man be jolly! Ho, ho, ho!" Jackson exclaimed.

"Oops, guess you can't be jolly," Jess teased, making Sage laugh. "Yeah, what is he? Santa?"

"We should've eaten before we came here." Jess said, talking to Luke and Sage. She nodded, "you aren't wrong."

"Shh," Luke scolded, "and, yeah."

"Humble servant, bring us the first course to dine with pleasure." Jackson demanded, the accent already giving Sage a headache. "Mm, methinks it be a butternut squash soup!"

Oh gross, Sage thought.

"Methinks you're right Squire Bracebridge. Thus and verily."

"And verily thus!"

"I've got it." Sage snapped, Jess leaned down to hear her better. "He looks like the queen of England. Just older."

Jess nodded, "that's it."

Ignoring everyone else, Jess kept his head closer to Sage's, whispering, "what did one cell day to his sister cell that stepped on his toe?"

"Hm?" Sage asked.

"Mitosis," he mumbled.

She leaned into him, putting her head on his shoulder and her hand over her mouth, trying her best not to laugh. "I hate you." She murmured. Jess smirked.

From a few chairs down, Lorelai watched them, while everyone else had their eyes on Jackson.

People came down, serving everyone soup. Jess, Luke, and Sage all looked down at it.

"What's the white stuff?" Jess asked. "I think it's cheese. Or cream." Luke offered.

Sage leaned closer to Jess, as they both stifled their laughter.

"And the green stuff?" Jess said, trying to keep his composer. "I think it's best picked off." Luke nodded, Jess and Sage agreed.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

Bye, Clara," I smiled, giving her a hug while Dean said bye to Rory. "Bye, Sage!"

"I hate kids, but she's not too bad." I shrugged, watching them walk away. "Yeah, she's great." Rory nodded.

I looked over, seeing Luke talking to mom, with Jess beside him.

He met my eyes, smiling the softest bit.

"I'm gonna—" I told Rory, she nodded.

I walked up to Jess, him taking a small step away from Luke. "So, was it really as bad as you thought it was gonna be?"

He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. 'You made it bearable."

I smiled, looking down. "See you later?"

He nodded, "yes ma'am."

On the way home, which mom decided to have us take a sleigh, mom gasped. "Woah, what happened there?"

I followed her line of sight, seeing the stupid Picasso snowman knocked down.

I smiled softly to myself.


≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now