28| New Years Day.

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28 | New Years Day.

| Sage's POV |

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"What is wrong with you—"

I turned around, seeing Rory walking into the diner, Dean trailing behind her, looking particularly angry.

I stepped in front of Jess, "woah, there sister. Calm it down. All that eyebrow creasing is gonna give you wrinkles."

"Jess tried to punch Dean!" She exclaimed.

I took a breath, quickly looking back at Jess. He met my eyes for a moment. I turned back to Rory, "what happened?"

Dean scoffed, if he got any angrier I was sure I'd see his forehead vein pop. "I'll tell you what happened."

"Thats literally what I asked?"

He rolled his eyes. "Your boyfriend over there tried to hit me." His face was beat red, as he clenched his fist.

"Yeah, yeah cupcake, I heard that part. Why?" I grabbed Jess's hand when he went to stand up behind me, squeezing it once.

"Cause he's a dick!" Dean seethed. This time, Jess did stand up, "okay, don't raise your voice at her—" I quickly faced him, grabbing his shoulders, "hey, hey, relax."

I heard Luke walk out from behind the counter. "Rory, get your boyfriend out of here before he punches someone." He told her. She sighed, but did as he said.

"Breath," I whispered, pushing him back down. He looked at me, slowly sitting down.

I tired to calm him down, while I heard my mom talking to Luke beside me. I ignored them, focusing on Jess. "Calm down," I mumbled.

I watched him run his tongue along the inside of his mouth, clearly still angry, but less snappy, I guess.

"Now," I sighed, "what happened?"

He looked up at me, a nearly pathetic look on his face. "I wasn't trying to hit him."

"I know," I nodded. He tilted his head. "How?"

"He'd have a broken nose if you were."

He rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging on his lips. "There was a fight," he started, "I may or may not have been involved."


"And, chopsticks out there decided to jump into it. Not my fault." He explained. "Who just jumps into a fight and expects not to hit?" I asked, genuinely curious. "You're asking me," he huffed.

After a minute, Luke started to walk over, my mom following behind.

"What the hell was that about?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Relax," I told him, "it's okay."

"Not even a big deal." Jess shrugged.

They both looked at us for a few moments, before Luke sighed. "Jess, you have got to stop making people hate you."

"It's part of my charm." Jess teased.

"Sage," mom said, I looked at her. "We need to talk. Outside." She was serious. Like serious serious. Not Lorelai serious, more like Emily serious.

Oh no.

"Wish me luck," I mumbled, only loud enough so Jess and Luke could hear.

I followed mom outside, nearly flinching any time her boots hit the concrete. We stopped at a bench, her taking a seat while I stayed standing, not for any particular reason.

Definitely not in case I had to run away or anything.

"Listen," she sighed. "I totally get the whole bad boy thing. I really do. I've dated my fair share of them, myself. But Sage, for someone like you? They're bad. Really, really bad."

"Isn't that the whole point?" I joked, quickly realizing it wasn't the time for that.

"Jess is a seventeen year old guy, who breaks the rules, is rude to everyone, and has good hair. That's about all. He's not a good person, Sage. Not for you." She said.

"I'm sorry," I laughed, "I don't get where this is coming from?"

She gave me a look. "Sage, I'm not an idiot. Especially not when it comes to guys. I see how much time you spend with him. How close you sguys always stand next to each other. If something hasn't happened yet, it's certainly bound to. And I just can't let that happen—"

"Okay," I interrupted, "first of all, nothings happened, and nothings going to. But even if it were, and I mean, no offense, but I think I'm a little smarter than you were when you were my age. And before you say I'm wrong, think about who you're talking to. Your daughter. The girl you gave birth to at sixteen. I know you aren't an idiot, mom. But I also know I make much better decisions than you did."

"That's the thing, sweetheart, you don't ever make the right decisions when you love someone—"

"Love?" I scoffed. "You really think I'm gonna fall in love with Jess? Really, mom? Come on, I'm not that dumb."

She sighed, "I never said you were dumb. And you know what? Maybe I'm overreacting."

"Yeah," I nodded, "yeah, you are."

"But maybe," she stood up, "just maybe, I have the right to wrorry about you. Maybe I have the right to worry about him."

I groaned, tossing my head back. "I'm not a child, mom! I'm not gonna do anything. I'm not gonna let him do anything. And I'm certainly not going to fall in love with him. Now, I have to study."

"Fine," she said.


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