32| The Allcott.

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32 | The Allcott.

| Sage's POV |

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"What'd you get?" I asked, sliding into the seat across from Rory.

"Seven hundred forty verbal. Seven hundred sixty math." My sister answered, her eyebrows creasing.

"How'd you get a higher score in math?"

"That's what's she said." Mom smiled, "you did amazing though, really." She told Rory.

"Yeah, I guess," Rory nodded, looking at me. "What'd you get?"

"Seven hundred sixty in both." I replied.

"Not fair," Rory huffed. "That's perfect, literally a perfect score."

"You both did absolutely great, we should celebrate." Mom said. Rory immediately said yes, while I sighed. "Sorry, can't. I have my Foreign Language test coming up. It's the biggest test I've had in a while, I have to go over everything over the next week or so. But have fun, honestly."

Mom groaned, "I hate that you're so dedicated to school."

I smiled, "me too."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Hi," I said, walking up to Luke. "Hey, kid. What's up?"

"Is Jess here?" I asked, readjusting my backpack. "Yes," he said, hesitatly. "Why do you have your backpack? You've been done with school for awhile."

I sighed, "long story. Can I?" I said, pointing over to the curtain. Luke nodded, handing me a to-go cup with coffee. "Thank you," I smiled.

"I'm simply an enabler."

I made my way behind the counter, and up the stairs. My back was utterly killing me.

I weighed my bag earlier,
35.8 freaking pounds.

I softly knocked on the door, hearing light music playing. Politik by Coldplay, if I had to guess. After a moment, I heard footsteps, then the door handle open. "I swear to god, Luke—oh."

I smiled, "hi."

"Hey," he said.

He was wearing a black compression shirt, with grey sweatpants.

Holy hickery dickery freak knuckles.

"Coldplay, hm?" I asked, laughing as he quickly moved to turn it off. "Shut up."

He held open the door for me, letting me in. "What's up?" He asked, crossing his arms. His arms. Good god.

"I have a question," I began. "I feeling like I'm getting eaten alive any time I walk into my house, Maddy's with her mom, and downstairs is really crowded. So, I was wondering if I could possibly study here for a bit? It's totally okay if not, it's just really cold outside and I don't feel like sitting in the snow trying to practice my Latin."

"Yeah, that's fine." He nodded.

I smiled, "thank you."

"So, you finally have that test?" He asked, walking over to his bed. I sat down on the floor, unzipping my backpack. "Yeah, I'm so excited to be done with different languages."

"Need any help?" He asked, motioning down to my flashcards.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all." He shook his head.

So, that's how we spent the next three hours, with the occasional dance break.

He'd give me a sentence in English, and I'd write it down in whatever language, then say it out loud. I had it pretty much perfected, but it was nice to go over it with an actual person.

"You study a lot, you know that, right?"

I nodded, "studying doesn't suck nearly as much as failing."

He smiled, helping me pack up all my books. David Bowie was playing softly on his CD player, making me laugh.

"Do you uh—" he paused. "Have anywhere you have to be?"

I looked up at him, watching as he tried not to mess with his hands, failing miserably. I shook my head. "Why?"

"You could stay," Jess mumbled.

"Just for a little, I mean. It's up to you." He shrugged, tucking his hands in his pockets. He was nervous.


"Are you sure it's okay?" I asked, definitely not wanting to annoy him.

"Yeah," he said, immediately. "It's totally okay. Things are pretty boring without you anyway."

I smiled, just now noticing how close we had gotten. He was maybe half a foot away from me. I looked back up, meeting his eyes.

So pretty.

"You know," I whispered, feeling like it was necessary. "You aren't nearly as bad as everyone says you are."

He smiled, the corners of his lips tugging up. "And, unfortunately, you are just as likable as everyone says you are."

He was leaning down, our faces getting closer.

I lifted my head up, our noses nearly close enough to touch. His hands found my waist, as mine wrapped around his neck, purely on instinct.

I found myself leaning into him. Into his touch, his body, his scent. Just him.

His hands were nearly hovering on my body, as if he was scared to touch me. I have never seen Jess Mariano afraid before.

I could feel his breath on my lips, his body heat merging with my own. Our faces were centimeters away, so, so close.

Suddenly, the door opened.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now