34| Blank Space.

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34 | Blank Space.

| Sage's POV |

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"Are you absolutely sure you can't skip today? Come on, I'll write you a note!" Mom pleaded, following me as I grabbed my jacket.

I sighed, "I have a really important test today, mom. I can't. But I promise I'll help you with grandpa when I get home, okay?"

She groaned, going to annoy Rory about the exact same thing.

"She shut you down too?" I asked, walking out of my room. "Yes." She said. At the sound of the doorbell, we all walked to the front door, Rory and I double checking we had everything in our bags.

"Hi, grandpa." Rory and I smiled.

"Hey, dad." Mom said.

"Morning girls," Dad pulled my sister and I in for a hug, while I mouthed "good luck," to mom.

"We gotta get to school," I said. "We'll see you this afternoon!" Rory finished.

"Have fun." Rory and I said together, my voice teasing, while hers was more genuine.

On the way to the bus, I saw Jess across the street. We still haven't talked or even seen each other, really. It's still awkward between Luke and I, and I'm guessing he told mom based off the way she looks at me.

I took a breah, looking away and following Rory inside.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"See you," Rory and I said, breaking apart.

"Hi!" Maddy smiled, popping up beside me.  "Oh my god, you're back!" I exclaimed, hugging her. "I swear, you go away like twenty times in the span of four months."

She laughed, "I missed you. Phone calls aren't enough."

"Agreed. I'm in desperate need of your unflinching optimism."

"Yeah, speaking of, what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, thanking a random guy who held open the door for us. "You look different. Good different. Something happened."

"Maddy, I really don't know what you mean." I said, sitting down. She took her seat beside me, sending me a teasing glance. "Whatever you say."

She was quiet for a minute,as if thinking. Suddenly, she smiled. "How's Jess?"

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, as I began to twirl my pencil. "Ha!" She said, "so that's it. What happened?"

I debated playing dumb, but that never worked with her. Ever. I took a deep breath, leaning closer to her. "We may or may not have almost kissed, then his uncle walked in and now everythings awkward and I haven't talked to him ever since."


"Welcome, class!"

She sent me a glare, mouthing, "we'll talk about this later."

I smiled, looking at the teacher.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Astonishing job Sage, truly."

I looked at my professor, then back down at the paper she slid me. After a week, she had finally graded our tests.


Oh thank god.

There was a purple sticky note attached to the paper.

The extra points are heavily earned. Your essay sections on both portions of the text were absolutely phenomenal. You did more work than anyone else in class. Very good job Sage.

I smiled softly to myself, flipping my paper over. At the sound of a sniffle, my eyes looked to my left, seeing a girl on the verge of crying.

I didn't look at her paper, but I assumed she didn't get the grade she wanted.

"Hey," I whispered, looking back at the teacher who was in the back. She looked at me, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah?"

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure you did your best. And plus, I'm sure she'll let you redo it or get extra points."

Her eyes sparkled, "really?"


"Yeah." I nodded a bit, "I can talk to her after class. What's your name?"


I wrote the name on a blank sheet of paper. "Thank you." She whispered. I just smiled at her.

A few minutes later, I heard someone call my name from the other side of me.

"Teachers pet."

I looked down, seeing the sticky note on the ground. I rolled my eyes, picking it up and shoving it in my pocket.

After class, I did as I said. I waited until everyone left, before walking up to Mrs. Romanoff.

"Sage, hi. What can I do for you?" She asked, looking up.

"Hi, there's a girl in here, Haven," I started. "And she was really upset with her test grade. She was too scared to come up here and ask, but I was wondering if you could consider letting her make you some points?"

"She really wants to?"

"Yes. Very badly." I nodded.

"Well," she sighed, "it depends on her grade. If you could get her in to talk to me, that'd be great. If she needs you to stay in the room, that's fine. But I do need to talk to her."

"Thank you so much. Does tomorrow work for you? We can come in before classes if she's not busy?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Thank you, again." She smiled at me.

Finding Haven wasn't too difficult. She was gorgeous, she had copper red hair with dark green eyes. She also sat alone. After some talking, she agreed to coming in with me tomorrow morning.

She also ended up being extremely nice, she ended up sitting with Maddy and I at lunch.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now