19| Dear John.

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19 | Dean John.

| Sage's POV |

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"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes, smiling. Jess walked in front of me, unlocking the door to Luke's and pulling it open softly.

"Make me," he replied.

I didn't respond, instead walking through the door as he held it open.

"You're delusional." I mumbled, keeping my voice quiet. "Whatever you say, princess."


We walked together to the counter, as I flipped through the pages of the book I'd gotten. I found my eyes drifting over to him as we sat down.

"Have you ever seen what chickens look like without feathers?" I asked, relatively out of nowhere.


"Chickens without feathers," I repeated, "you're brains a bit slow sometimes. Might wanna get that checked out."

"Are we sure my brain is the slow one?"

"Excuse you?" I gasped.

"Anyways," I shushed him. "I saw one earlier, I'm still very distraught and severely uncomfortable."

"Good for you," he mumbled.

I huffed. "You're the human version of a migraine."

He went to respond, probably with something mean, but the door opened, making both of our heads turn.

Oh shit.

"Sage?" Rory asked. My eyes moved to the person beside her, more specifically my mom. "What are you doing here?"

Quick, Sage, think. Play it off.

I glanced at Jess for a moment, just as my mom and sister noticed him, the former seeming not too happy.

I took in their outfits, and the car parked outside. They had just came from somewhere, assumingly the same place Rory got kidnapped to. Okay, okay I could use this. "I woke up and you guys weren't home," I lied. "So, I waited a bit and came here."

Rory was properly convinced, while mom was still glaring at Jess. "And why is he with you?"

I quickly looked at him, he met my eyes. "I was awake when I heard a knock on the door, so I came down." He shrugged, leaning back against the counter.

"Thank you," I mouthed to him, earning the smallest smile in reply.

My mom went to say something back, but we all heard footsteps coming down the stairs, followed by a very angry sounding Luke. "What in the hell is going on down here?"

I looked at Jess, a smile on my face. He chuckled a bit, looking back at the curtain which Luke bursted through.

"I swear to god, Taylor, if that's yo—" he paused, seeing all of us. "Oh, hey."

"Hi," we all said.

Luke sighed, running a hand over his forehead. "You've got to be kidding me," he muttered. "What are you all doing here?" He walked forward, moving to the opposite side of the counter.

"Sex—" Jess went to say, but I clasped a hand over his mouth.

Luke and my mom whirled their heads to us. "He's kidding." I smiled.

"Unfortunately," he said, his voice muffled.

I tightened my hand. "Shut up." He licked me, making me yank my hand off him. "Make me," he teased.

I stared at him, evaluating my choices.

After some deliberation, I grabbed the container of sugar packets, throwing it at him, the plastic box included.

It was either that or a glass mug.

Jess dodged the box, while all the packets hit his face. He raised an eyebrow, while I shrugged.

"Oh come on!" Luke groaned.

"Don't worry," I looked at him, smiling. "He'll clean it up." I assured.

"Like hell I will—"

I turned my head to him, glaring. He stared at me for a moment. "Fine."

I nodded, "smart choice. Anyway," I looked back at my the others. "Where did you go?" I asked mom and Rory.

They then explained the whole school thing, Rory looking a bit embarrassed. Mom on the other hand, seemed more annoyed at the headmaster than anything.

"Well," Luke sighed, "since I'm clearly not going back to bed anytime soon," he shot a glare at Jess and I, "wanna stay for a bit?" Mom looked at Rory and I, I nodded, along with my sister. "Yeah," she said, taking off her coat, "why not?"

Luke moved over to the back wall, turning on the lights, and I quickly became very aware of what I was wearing.

Jess's jacket. That's not ideal.

It was very clearly his, definitely too big for me, and, plus, leather wasn't really my thing.

I chose to silently pray nobody would notice, but that soon went down the drain when mom sent me a knowing look.

I'll definitely pay for that later.

Rory sat in the seat beside me, while mom took the one next to her, keeping her eyes trained on Jess.

I looked over at him. He was already staring.

"Coffee?" He asked.

I smiled, "yes please."

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now