9| Cornelia Street.

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9 | Cornelia Street.

| 3rd POV |

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"Okay what do you want? Eggs, toast, combo?" Luke's eyes darted between Sage, Rory, and Lorelai. "What's the rush there zippy?" The ladder asked.

"I'm just swamped this morning. I was supposed to have help, but I don't." He looked back at the door to his apartment door. Sage figured he meant Jess.

"Wow, Luke. I'm sorry, I didn't know we were such a great inconvenience to you." Sage sighed apologeticlly, patting his arm softly.

Luke rolled his eyes, pulling his arm away while Sage and Rory giggled.

"Order right now, or I'm bringing the three of you and egg white omelet with a side of steamed spinach."

"Pancakes!" Lorelai blurted out, Rory followed. "French toast!"

"I'm good," Sage shook her head.

"Thank you," Luke huffed.

Sage's eyes snapped upwards when she watched Jess walk out from behind the curtain.

His eyes met hers, before looking back at a seething Luke.

"Jess, you were supposed to be down here—" he paused, staring at his nephew. "What the hell is that?"

"What?" Jess asked, his eyes subconsciously darting back to Sage a few times.

"That." Luke enunciated, pointing at his shirt. "That is a shirt." Jess replied.

And I'd prefer you without one—nope. Bad Sage. Nuh uh, stop that.

"Change," Luke demanded. "What?"

"Go upstairs, and change your shirt."

"I like this shirt." The teenager countered.

"How can you like it?" Luke scoffed, trying—and ultimately failing—to find any artist value whatsoever.

"It brings out my eyes."

"Oh yeah, totally does," Sage piped in. Jess's eyes snapped to hers, while Luke turned around slowly. "Really makes the blue pop." She nodded.

"My eyes aren't blue?" Jess raised his eyebrows.

The girl smiled, "I know."

Jess rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny, princess." He teased.

"I'm a very funny person." She said, sarcastically. "Clearly," he responded, narrowing his eyes.

Lorelai, Rory, and Luke looked between the two of them, all equally confused.

"Whatever—" Luke snapped, "part of the deal of you staying here, is that you work here. When you work here you will wear proper work attire, and that is not proper work attire. Now go upstairs and change into something that work scare the hell out of my customers."

In all her years of knowing him, Sage was continually impressed by the art of Luke's scolding skills.

"Whatever you say, uncle Luke."

"Hey," Sage called out, making Jess stop. "Wear something pink!" She smiled. "I think it'd suit you."

"Very funny," he groaned, storming off.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

After forcing Sage to go with Rory to their grandparents house, just for her to get wrapped up into going to some sort of ball, which Sage thankfully got out of, the pair made their way to school.

Sage's first class today, was AP statistics. It was pretty easy for her, but definitely not a class favorite.

For some reason, Sage's anxiety hated her extra today, making her spend most if fourth period in the Library, which she didn't completely mind.

"Hey, would you mind taking the bus together? My dad has to work late so he can't pick me up." Madeline asked, walking up to Rory and Sage.

Sage glanced at Rory, who nodded. "Yeah, come on," Sage told her. "Thank you." She smiled, running a hand through her hair.

Once Rory was a bit ahead, Sage
lowered her voice and asked, "Maddy, how are things going with him, by the way?" Maddy took a breath, a small smile taking over her face. "Good, Sage. Really good. I think he's really trying this time."

Sage smiled, leaning against her best friend, "I'm happy. You deserve it, Mads, really."

"I love you," Madeline told her, wroaling her arms around her shoulders. "Girl, I literally love you more, shut up."

"Nuh uh,"


"Nope, deal with it."

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Do you think ants have feelings?"

"What?" Luke asked, running his hand on forehead. "Ants," Sage repeated, "do you think they have feelings?"

"I'm asking because, if they did, that'd be pretty sad, wouldn't it? I mean, do you know how many ants get stepped on per someones footsteps? Neither do I, but still. It must be a lot, right? I mean they're so small, especially the baby ones. Some are really hard to see. They don't have lungs or ears, some are even farmers! And plus, besides the whole missing body part thing, and being very easy to kill thing, they are an incredibly underappreciated insect. They can carry over forty times their body weight! That's incredible!" She exclaimed, "oh, oh, oh! And they can become zombies! That's so cool. Imagine being an ant zombie? That'd be terrifying."

"Jesus christ kid, take a breath." Luke sighed, exhausted from simply hearing all of that.

"Breathing's overrated," she shrugged.

Crazy kid, Luke thought.

At the sound of the bell ringing and the door swinging open, Luke glanced back. "Oh thank god," he muttered.

Sage tilted her head, looking back. Rory was running over to her, clapping profusely.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "What? What, what, what, what, what? Tell me!" Sage got up, jumping up and down with her sister.

"Guess what?" Rory smiled, finally calming down. "Chicken butt? Cause if that's what your freaking about, I'm gonna be really pissed—"

"No, you dummy," Rory shook her head. "You know that Debutant Ball thing?" She began. "Yes," Sage nodded.

"Well, a part of it, is having your dad hand you off." She explained. "Like a wedding?" Sage asked, immensely confused. "Yeah, sort of."

"So?" Sage asked. "So," Rory grinned, "dad's coming into town!"

Sage's face immediately fell.

"What?" She backed up a step. "Dad, he said he'd come. Obviously it's not for sure, seeing as it's dad, but mom thinks there's like a sixty percent chance!"

"Oh—" Sage stuttered, "oh, Rory, that's great." She smiled, pulling her sister in for a hug.

This is so not great.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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