4| Our Song.

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4 | Our Song.

| 3rd POV |

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He wasn't exactly hot—actually, yeah he totally was, but that wasn't the first word Sage would use to describe him. She thought pretty was more fitting.

So," she began, "it's Jess, right?" He actually looked at her for the first time, his eyes running over her face, then her body

"Mhm," he nodded barley, still a little preoccupied in staring at her.

She wasn't just vaugly pretty, she was threateningly gorgeous.

Her hair was black, like blackhole level black, pulled into a messy high ponytail, with small pieces framing her face. She was wearing ripped, baggy jeans, that were currently tucked against her chest, with an off the shoulder sweatshirt, navy blue with the phases of the moon stitched on.

She had blue eyes, very similar to the woman Jess had met earlier, Lorelai, but hers were the softest bit deeper in color. She had high cheekbones and a defined jaw. She wasn't wearing makeup, making the freckles that danced on her skin even more visible.

Jess finally snapped himself out of his trance.

"You?" He asked, his voice gentle, yet on the edge of being raspy. "Sage," hers on the other hand, was like silk, soft and delicate.

She went to tuck a piece of fallen hair behind her ear, Jess's eyes followed the action.

He felt himself laugh the slightest bit, the sound making Sage's stomach twist. "Nice earrings, princess."

Her eyes immediately widened as her hands went to her ears. She quickly got up, brushing past him to her desk, where a lighted up mirror sat, pinned to the wall.

There were Polaroid photos lining the border, every spot taken up except for one.

Sage quickly fiddled with the clip-on Belle earrings from Beauty and the Beast she had put on earlier, purely for Rory's amusement. She'd forgotten to take them off, apparently.

"Shut up," she mumbled, tossing them into her jewelry box. She turned to him, keeping her hands on her desk, her body leaning against it.

"Why were you even looking at my ears? Do you have a fetish?" She asked, sarcastically.

He grinned, teasingly. "Who wouldn't? Ears are so sexy," he slowed his voice down, lowering the tone.

That should not have sounded as hot as it did, Sage thought.

She rolled her eyes, looking away, much to her dismay. He was certainly fun to look at, that's for sure.

After a moment, she watched him slide a book out from its position on her shelf, his eyes skimming through the pages.

"Do you read?" She asked, silently begging to move on from the princess earrings.

She began playing with the sleeves of her hoodie, quickly realizing there were no thumb holes.

"Not much," Jess responded, placing the book back.

"How much is not much?" She tilted her head, watching as the ghost of a smile tugged on his lips.

"How much do you think is not much?" He took a step towards her, making her look up at him. He wasn't the tallest guy in the world, around 5'9—5'10 ish, but when Sage was a whole 5'1 and ½, it didn't take much to be taller than her.

Unfortunately for her, she didn't inherit her mother's height, Rory took all of it.

She kept her eyes on him, as she reached into her desk and pulled out a pair of scissors. "How much do you think I think is not much?"

He laughed, glancing at his side, "how much do you think I think you think is not much?"

Sage grinned, "probably not not much."

"Probably," he replied, nodding.

His eyes flickered down to her hands, as she began pulling at the sleeve of her hoodie, closest to her hands.

"What're you doing?" He mumbled, tilting his head.

"Cutting in thumb holes," she said, beginning to snip at the fabric. "I do it to all my hoodies."

He watched her, or more specifically, watched her nearly cut an artery as she missed the sleeve. "My god, here—stop," he grabbed her hands in his, stopping her from an inevitable, and very painful, mistake.

"I'll do it, okay?" He laughed, "you're gonna cut your wrist off at this rate."

She sighed, handing him the scissors, "boring."

"Well, my dearest apologies, princess," he teased, carefully working around her wrist as he cut her sleeve.

"Don't call me that," she groaned, covering her face with her free hand. "Too late, princess, it's sticking." He shrugged, moving onto the second sleeve.

"Thank you," she murmured, looking up at him.

"You're welcome," he replied, setting the scissors back on her desk. She moved her hands up in the sleeves, readjusting her hands.

"Now, tell me, Sage," he leaned closer, "how do you feel about getting out of here?"

She felt the corners of her lips tug up. "Well, that would be bad, wouldn't it?" They could both hear the sarcasm dripping off her words.

"Maybe, maybe not. But something tells me you don't really care," he taunted.

She fakely pouted, "and what could possibly give you that impression?" Jess smirked, his aura practically radiating confidence. "Who knows?"

"And do what?" She asked, intertwining her hands, twirling a ring on her finger

He shrugged, looking at the books on Sage's desk. A Deadly Education, Shatter Me, If We Were Villains, The Cruel Prince, Caraval, Serpent and Dove, Black Chalk, and a few others. Just some of her favorites.

"You know, rob a bank, assault some kids, knock over a liquor store. The usual." He listed, counting them on his fingers.

"Oh yeah, let's steal a car in the process!" She exclaimed, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes," he snapped his fingers, "genius."

Sage rolled her eyes. "We can even commit arson if we get bored enough," he offered, raising his hands in the air in suggestion.

She sucked in a breath, looking behind him, specifically at her door. After a moment, she looked back at him. "We can't leave at the same time."

"Whatever you say," he nodded, a coy look on his face.

"You leave first. I'll meet you on the porch in a bit." She told Jess, walking past him.

"Yes ma'am," he grinned.

About 15 minutes later, Sage found herself watching as her mom checked every room in the house.

"Sage? Have you seen Jess?" Lorelai asked, walking past her daughter. "No, why?" Her hand snuck behind her back, unlocking the door as her mom checked Rory's room.

"Oh," she sighed, "no reason." Sage nodded at her, walking into the living room.

She watched through the doorway as Lorelai walked through the back door. Sage looked back, seeing everyone distracted getting food. Carefully, she made her way back, sneaking out the front door.

Well that was easy.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now