15| Castles Crumbling.

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15 | Castles Crumbling.

| Sage's POV |

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"I had lunch with Betty Charleston today, and she told me what happened with you and the headmaster." Grandma said, giving mom her signature professional yet I secretly hate your guts, look.

"Oh no," I gasped, looking at Rory. "Did mom bang another one of our teachers?"

My sister snickered, "we really can't take her anywhere, huh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Certainly not, if she's going to behave like this." I tisked, smiling.

Grandma rolled her eyes—at least as much as her eyes will actually roll. I'm beginning to think her face is molded to be permanently blank at all points in time.

"After all we went through to get Rory and Sage into that school. And then you humiliate all of us by not being involved? That is just incomprehensible."

"Actually, it's pretty comprehensible, seeing as—well, you know. It's mom." I said.

She feigned a gasp, turning her head to me. "It hurts that you aren't wrong."

"Also, in my defense," she began, "she wasn't involved either." She pointed to Rory. Who then turned to me, but I stopped her. "Nope. I'm the good girl here. I've done everything I'm supposed to, I am not involved."

"Wow! Just sitting here!" She turned back to mom.

"Lorelai, you're a grown up," Grandma said.

"Eh," I muttered.

"You have to set an example. If she snot involved with school, then she learned it from you."

"Well—" I began. "Yeah." Rory interrupted.

"How hard is it to help out just once in awhile? Join a group, attend a meeting. And all for the sake—"

"Mom, stop already. Please. I have joined a group, okay?"

"You have?" She deadpanned.

"You have?" I whirled my head to her.

"You have?" Rory did the same.


"Which one?" Grandma asked.

"What?" I scoffed. "The club that isn't actually a club, but technically is, because it's a club that isn't a club, which makes it a club my default?"

"Huh?" Rory groaned.

Mom and grandma ignored us. "I'm gonna join the—booster club. Okay? The booster club. I'm going to boost."

"Well," grandma sighed, "the boosters are a very fine organization."

"That's why I picked 'em."

"They do very good work for the school."

"They sound like a cult for an oddly large group of pedophiles that wear speedos and only like five year olds, for reasons unknown." I said.

Rory nodded, eyes wide.

"All went into the picking process. Minus the speedos." Mom smiled.

"Thank god," I mumbled.

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"Hey, Rory?" I said, grabbing my backpack from the kitchen table. "Hm?" She looked up from her position on the couch.

"I'm gonna go study, can you say hi to mom when she gets home from that fashion thing for me?"

"Only if you get me some water," she smiled. I rolled my eyes, yet still nodded. I grabbed a bottle, tossing it to her.

"Have fun!" She called out.

"Whatever," I threw a pillow at her.

I walked into my room, softly shutting the door behind me. Next to where Willow was currently asleep on the floor, the pile of books I got a few days ago was placed in front of my bed. I still didn't know where to put them. I had absolutely no room.

I really needed another bookshelf.

I placed my bag in my desk, carefully taking out all my books one by one. However, the usual novels I brought to school stayed in my bag.

Ivy hopped up on my desk, purring as I ran a hand over her back.

I have a psychology test in a few days. Psychology is one of my extra classes, but it's definitely one of my favorites.

Our current unit was neuropyschology.

Neuropsychology is the branch of science that studies the physiological processes of the nervous system and relates them to behavior and cognition.
In terms both of their normal function, and of the dysfunctional processes associated with brain damage.

Clinical, essentially meaning comprehensive mental and behavioral heath, neuropsychology is concerned with assessment of, and, rehabilitation from brain injury that damages an individual's ability to function or act.

While cognitive, as in thinking or remembering, neuropsychology focuses on examining the effects of brain damage on thought processes, so as to construct models of one's normal cognitive functioning.

The test was split, fifty questions, twenty five for cognitive, twenty five for clinical. Most were multiple choice, while the last question of both areas were in written formats.

I decided to study clinical first, pulling out my red textbook.

APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology, was written on the front.

Volume one, Roots and Branches. Volume two, Theory and Research.
Volume three, Applications and Methods.
Volume four, Education and Profession.
Volume five, psychopathology and Heath.

I sighed, turning to page one, one of eight hundred and ninety two, let me add. This was gonna take a while.

Five hours, six cups of coffee, a failed attempt at eating dinner, and three music switches later, I found myself finally shutting the book.

I glanced at my notebook, seeing twenty two, bottom to top filled, pages of notes.

And it was only nine pm.

Holy freakeroni.

I let my head fall into my hands, my head already pounding. Mom got home around thirty minutes ago, judging by the sound of the front door.

Moving on, I pulled the red book off my desk, and grabbed the blue one.

APA Handbook of Cognitive Psychology.

Four volumes, yet still a total of nine hundred and fifty four pages.

Volume one, neuroscience.
Volume two, development.
Volume three, social cognition.
Volume four, metacognition.

I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

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