41| Mad Woman.

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41 | Mad Woman.

| 3rd POV |

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"A cigar club. Can you imagine a more disgusting organization to join?" Emily asked, looking at Lorelai.

Her eyes moved to Rory and Sage. "Your grandfather now pays money to sit in an enclosed room with a bunch of other men and blow smoke in each others faces. Twice a week he comes home smelling like a flophouse."

At no witty or sarcastic response from any of the Gilmores, Emily continued.

"So, I finally just confronted him. I said 'Richard, I know you're going through a transitional period here, and I encourage your trying out new things, but this seems completely out of character for you.'" Emily looked at the three of them, expecting something more than complete silence.

Rory was very uncomfortable, having heard the second half of the argument, she felt bad even existing in the same room as her sister. Sage stared at her food, feeling oddly disgusted with it.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you?"

"No, you're not." Lorelai sighed.

"Sorry grandma," Rory said, her eyes wandering over to Sage, who stayed quiet.

"So, how are things at the Inn?" Emily asked. "Fine, the same." Lorelai answered, simply.

"Rory, how's that boyfriend of yours?"

"He's fine." Rory nodded, the only one with enough composure to at least try and smile.

"That nice. Sage, how are things with you? I feel like I know nothing about your life anymore." Emily smiled softly, looking at her oldest granddaughter.

Lorelai scoffed under her breath, "I can relate."

Sage took a deep breath, ignoring her. "Things are great, actually." She quipped, sending a glare in her moms direction.

After more extended silence, Emily spoke up again. "Lorelai, anything new with you?"

"No, nothing. It's been pretty quiet around the house lately." Lorelai replied.

"I know, right? It's been wonderful." Sage feigned enthusiasm.

"Well, sometimes quiet can be nice, soothing." Emily nodded, "you can hear yourself think."

Sage went back to playing hockey with her grapes, the silence even more tense now.

Emilys eyes shifted between the three of them, lingering on Sage and Lorelai. "Alright," she snapped, "whats going on with you?"

"Nothing." Lorelai shrugged. "It's not nothing. You've all been sitting here all night, not saying a word and not even looking at each other, save for a few glares. Are you in a fight?"

"I'm not." Lorelai said.

Sage scoffed, "whatever."

"Whatever what? You're the one who's been freezing me out all week."

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