Chapter 22: Kolloseum.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV:

"But you are responsible for her capture! You persuaded her to turn against shao khan!" Liu kang said, accusing raiden for being the cause for kitana's current predicament.

Spiderman sighed. Jade had explained to the other warriors of kitana's predicament and the thunder god, whilst not happy that kitana was captured, beloved that they should continue the tournaments course. Another thing that the wallcrawler noticed was the absence of his brother/clone kaine. When he asked johny where he was, the actor said that he went looking for chasm. Peter sighed at the response, coming to the conclusion that kaine was seeking out Ben to settle the score between them before kaine was killed.

"Her capture was bound to happen, liu." Spidey responded, the shaolin's focus was on him. Peter could see he was angered, but he decided to hear out his fellow kombatant. "The guy probably doesn't tolerate failure, so when, let's say, someone like shang tsung, tells shao Khan of her failure to hypothetically kill someone..." Spidey paused slightly, feeling the eyes of psylocke and Storm staring at the back of his head. He has a feeling that this was gonna be brought up in the conversation the trio will have, and he was once again not looking forward to it. Nonetheless, he continued to speak. "Then he would not be too pleased about it and would likely be in the process of replacing her and probably kill kitana in her sleep. I don't like the fact that she's captured anymore than you do, but it's a better alternative than her being killed immediately." He finished.

Liu kang looked deep in thought before begrudgingly nodding his head in acceptance. He couldn't deny that Spiderman was right. Capture was better than being killed.


Many amongst the multiple omniverses agreed, some reluctantly, with Spiderman. Sometimes, it was better she was captured than killed, but there were some who disagreed, remembering the times that when they found the people that were captured, they were scarred for life due to the things that they saw, dealt with and had to do. Many recovered, but others never did. They hoped that spidey and the rest could rescue kitana in time before it's too late.

(Mortal kombat universe)

"Lord raiden, we can free her as other fight in our stead, and join you thereafter." Kung Lao stepped in, offering a solution to the problem. Liu kang turns to raiden.

".....very well." Raiden says. Liu kang and kung Lao nod, then move past the god of thunder and head towards where kitana was previously held. Raiden watches on before looking to the side, contemplating.

"Something wrong?" Storm asks, catching raiden's expression.

"It is nothing." He says before grabbing the amulet, staring at the cracks in it. "I just fear that we will moving to uncharted territory, one that I can not predict and alter to our advantage." He finishes.

Spidey narrowed his eyes after hearing what raiden said. It reminded him of the reason why the second civil war started, all because someone tried to manipulate future events to their advantage, regardless of the fact that there was no way of knowing if what those supposed events would truly come to pass, the future was ever changing afterall.

"Maybe it's for the best that you don't then raiden." Spiderman said, catching the attention of the thunder god of Mortal kombat. "The future is ever changing, and trying to alter past events to prevent or bring a certain future won't do you any good if you keep changing it too much, time will snap back at you." He finished explaining.


In the Marvel omniverse, more specifically in Earth 616, the people who battled in the second civil war remembered the sides they were on and how it affected their relationships with their fellow heroes. In hindsight, they should've learned from their mistakes from the first civil war. At the end of the day, most would/have come to the same conclusion about the true cause of both civil wars, control. The first civil war was about the government controlling superheroes through the registration act and any that didn't would be forced to do so, surrendering their identities and freedom, all for false promises. The second civil war was about an inhuman who could see possible futures and captain Marvel, and her side thought it'd be a good idea to use that power to stop future threats, ignoring that it was only possible futures and that trying to control the present by any means necessary was a recipe for disaster.

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