Chapter 52: Standoff.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

A/N: Question for you all: Do you guys think lifebringer galactus could beat darkseid?

3rd POV: Peter stared at the many faces of the heroes in front of him, their expressions unreadable but the wallcrawler did notice how a select few were inching their hands closer to their weapons or had their powers at the ready, almost as if they were getting ready for a fight.


Everyone tensed at the standoff. They've seen glimpses of how the spider totem interacted with his fellow heroes in flashbacks and how he spoke of them, so this will be the first time they would be seeing the heroes of Earth 616. We're they as bad as Peter had stated? We're they worse? They were gonna find out.

Those from the capcom omniverse that were a part of the convergence took in the heroes that they once fought alongside and compared to how they looked and acted back then to now, had all of them changed to be egotistical, they certainly hoped not.

(Earth 616)

"I don't need to talk to you stark." Peter replied. "In fact, i don't need to talk to any of you." He further added as he addressed the rest of the heroes. "Well, most of you anyway." He muttered, seeing some friends amongst the various hero groups, although he couldn't help but notice the abscence of one jolly green giant. 'Where's Hulk?' The totem thought as he subtly looked for the avenger made up of gamma radiation.


This caught the attention of either Bruce banner, hulk, or maestro of whatever they go by in the Marvel omniverse. Where was their counterpart? They highly doubt they'd miss something like this.

(Earth 616)

"You don't have a choice." The armoured Avenger responded as he approached the wallcrawler. "We want answers, and you're gonna give them to us? We can do this the easy or the hard way?" Iron man asked as he raised a repulsor blast in front of Peter's face with the webslinger being unfazed by this.

"Stand down, Tony!" The first avenger ordered as he moved to stand next to Iron Man, his shield in hand. "We agreed to speak with him, not force him." Captain America said.


"Oh look, someone who copied my patriotic look, I mean come on, I know I pull off the look, but he just looks ridiculous." Homelander muttered as he chuckled before he immediately frowned and his eyes glowing red for a moment before it faded.

(Earth 616)

"I'll speak with you, cap, but not him." Spidey said before pointing to Iron Man at the end. "I don't trust you stark. Your track record when it comes to handling things is messy, and I sure as heck don't trust your little group, not after what I just found out at the X mansion." He growled at the end, attracting everyone's attention as they were curious about what he found out.


The same could be said for everyone else. What did Peter see that caused him to explode in anger.

(Earth 616)

"What was it that you found out anyway?" Asked one Jennifer Walters A.K.A the sensational she hulk.

"Don't answer that." Ordered iron man as he charged his repulsor now.

"Stark..." Steve Rodgers warned, clenching his shield and getting ready to act if necessary.

"Or what?" Peter asked as he took a step closer towards the armoured Avenger. "You gonna blast me?" He asked before turning to Charles xavier, "Get into my head and mess with it?" The webslinger then turned to Mr fantastic, "or perhaps send me to another dimension where nothing could possibly survive?" Peter then chuckled before looking right back at stark. "If it's any of those options, then go ahead and try, but I warn you, I may be slightly sore from stopping the skrull ships from falling to earth but I've still got more than enough strength in me to kick all your sorry asses." He warned.

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