Chapter 38: To lead, or not to lead?

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: "He can't be serious!!!!" Peter yelled out as he continued to stare at the hologram, proclaiming himself and his sister as Co directors of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Maria Hill (616) actually agreed with Spiderman in that regard. What was director fury thinking when he created the protocol?! S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been doing just fine under her leadership, and having it under the leadership of Spiderman was just asking for disaster. He must've made a mistake. She refused to believe that fury would choose the spider menace over her.

Teresa Parker, on the other hand, was conflicted. Whilst being director of S.H.I.E.L.D was appealing, she knew the responsibilities of leading it were huge, and she was unsure of accepting the role. She knew that her brother would most likely refuse to be director and would mean that the organisation would be all hers. She didn't know if she could lead it.

On the other hand, becoming the director of S.H.I.E.L.D would mean that she could make changes that would actually make it better with the added advantage of taking Peter off of the stupid wanted list that Maria Hill created and immunity. Was it favouritism? Yes. Did she care? Hell no.

Decisions, decisions.....

Meanwhile, in the ultimate universe, Spiderman was staring off into space with his teammates, Avengers, agents of S.M.A.S.H, Storm, and psylocke at the wallcrawler and director fury.

"I didn't see that coming." Iron man spoke up.

"I don't think anyone did, Tony." Black widow said.

"Hey Parker, you good?" Powerman asked his teammate who didn't respond and was still staring off into space. "Pete?" He called again and still did not receive an answer.

"I got this." Hulk spoke up as he walked up to his fellow hero. Once he was close enough, he raised his hands to his sides. Captain america eyes widen as he realises what the green giant is going to do.

"Cover your ears!" The first avenger told everyone before taking his own advice, and everyone followed suit.

The hulk then smacked his hands together into his famous thunderclap, cracking some of the walls from the shockwave and causing the triskellion to shake a little. Spidey still remained seated and looked to still be in a daze, but he slowly looked up at an unapologetic hulk.

".......ouch." He finally let out as he rubbed his ears.

"Feeling better dear?" Aunt May asked.

"As good as I can be when finding out that my counterpart and his sister are DIRECTORS of S.H.I.E.L.D." He said, emphasising the director. Pete then looked to director fury, who was still staring at the screen. "Please don't make me director. I like to be free." The wallcrawler pleaded, much to many people's amusement.

Fury said nothing, only humming in thought. A new blood protocol? Intriguing.

(Template Earth)

"Wouldn't it technically be a good thing?" Sonya spoke up. "I mean, according to you, Storm and psylocke, S.H.I.E.L.D isn't exactly living up to what it should be, and with you at the helm, you could probably whip it into Shape." The S.F. further elaborated.

"But I don't want to be director." Spidey responded. "I don't know what the heck I would even do with S.H.I.E.L.D. I can't run an organisation." He further added.

"You ran a company, though." Betsy pointed out.


That perked everyone's interests, Spiderman had a company? Although saying it in past tense most likely meant it didn't last long.

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