Chapter 9: Attempted Extraction.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman was scouting a secure path for sonya and jax. The webslinger subdued any of shang tsung's guards, using stealth and the high ground to his advantage and webbing them up into cocoons.


The bat family from different universes in the DC omniverse and other stealth like heroes from other omniverses observed spidermans movements, mentally complimenting or giving their own critiques, but overall, they could agree that spiderman was doing well in terms of stealth, from using his surroundings to using distractions.

(Mortal kombat universe)

After making sure that everything was clear, he called out to sonya.

Spiderman: Sonya, it's all clear here!

Sonya moved behind Spiderman, carrying the injured jax with her. However, Jax staggered and dropped to a knee with sonya following with him.

Sonya: Come on, Jax! Move it! That's an order!

Jax: Oh... so you're in charge now?

Jax groaned but complied and slowly got to his feet, and the trio of fighters kept moving and eventually made it to a clearing, and began walking across a stone bridge, with a waterfall in the background and further back was shang tsung's Palace.

Sonya: (brings her arm up and speaks into her wrist communicator) Special forces command, this is sonya Blade! Where's that evac?

Sonya gently sets Jax down with Spiderman jumping down to the ground, his suit reverting back to white and black after tapping the symbol on his chest.

Special forces command: (static).....Blade they are en route (static)..... coming to you (static).

Sonya: affirmative! (Looks at Jax) almost home soldier.

Spiderman: (kneels next to Jax) How're you holding up Jax?

Jax: I'm fine.

Sonya: liar. After I get you to base, I'm coming back, kano's still here somewhere.

Jax: That S.O.B? Your obsession with him is gonna get you killed.

Sonya: I trusted him.

Jax: Yeah, we all did.

Spiderman turned his head to the side, his mind unintentionally bringing up memories flashes of his obsession to go back to the universe MJ was trapped and how far he was willing to go back and save her, braking friendships and the trust of others, unaware that these memories were picked up by a certain British telepath. Spiderman clenched his fist discreetly.

Spiderman (in head): they broke my trust first. They all did. No matter how many chances I gave, they destroyed my trust and abused my friendship...... all but a few anyway.


Seeing the memory flashes, everyone didn't exactly understand as they were sporadic and passed by too quickly. Though earth 616 managed to see it and some just scoffed at spiderman, muttering how he betrayed them first and that he was irrelevant and other felt angry on spidermans behalf as they understood that if they were in his situation, trying to save the people they love, they would be obsessed in finding a way to go back and save them.

MJ (616) frowned at the screen. She never realised how far her ex went to go back and save her. She looked at her lap and sighed, whilst she was touched at the extent he went. She once again mentally reiterated her point that she had a loving family with her and that she was done with Peter.

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