Chapter 40: Edenians in Wakanda.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman stared at the spider god who remained silent and was just staring at his temple.

"Anansi?" Spiderman called out to his past life, only to receive no response whatsoever. "Anansi?" Peter called out again, but instead of getting a verbal response, the spider god merely raised a hand out to his reincarnation, asking for silence as he was still trying to collect his thoughts.

Spidey said nothing, allowing anansi to get his thoughts into order. The spider god stared at his temple, conflicting thoughts as he looked at it before eventually approaching his temple and laying his hand on one of the stone walls. The temple hummed at the contact of its creator and let out a small pulse of different energies, giving the spider god the opportunity to sense the various energies that were surrounding his temple.




And infinity....

No pheonix signature....

"So Bast really did remove pheonix's presence." The spider god muttered.

"Could she really do that?" Spidey decided to ask.

"Yes." Anansi answered. "Pheonix was not wrong when she said i promised her the temple..." He began before turning to face his reincarnation. "But after a certain.....incident." The spider god looked to the side, hands clenched before taking a breath and his shoulders sagging. "I went to bast and explained to her the situation. She was furious and planned to confront pheonix, but I managed to persuade her not to. I then told her that I was entrusting my temple to her and that she could do as she wished with it." Anansi then looked back at his temple, the various energies returning back to the temple. "It seems that she decided to make sure pheonix had no claim to it." He finished as he sighed.

"Well, now what?" Spidey asked as he walked next to his former life.

"I..." anansi began before pausing as he looked off to the side and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know." The spider god sighed before facing hid reincarnation once more. "We can't exactly do anything since kang is running his little show, and until we find a way to return to our universe, we just have to keep being the protagonists of his show." He said before sitting down on his ground.

Spidey said nothing before moving to sit next to his past life. The 2 are silent once more, just allowing the silence to envelop them before Spidey decided to break it.

"So...." Peter began, glancing at the spider god,"redheads, right? Can't live with them or without them." He asked, earning a snort from anansi.


Redheads around the omniverses raised an eyebrow at the question.

Peter (spectacular) ignored MJ's stare as he whistled innocently.

Spidey (ultimate) started losing feeling in his arm as MJ was squeezing his arm and said as such to the symbiote wearer, who apologised but still held his arm. White tiger narrowed her eyes and decided to grab pete's arm and pull him towards her. Peter almost stumbled out of his seat, but MJ narrowed her eyes at the feline hero and pulled Peter to her, and a tug of war ensued much to the amusement of many but it was quickly stopped by aunt may.

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