Chapter 24: The long awaited Talk.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes I make.

3rd POV: Spiderman had just entered his room within the Wu Shi Academy. After Raiden had said that "the dark times" were almost upon them, many began to worry. They didn't understand, shao Khan was defeated, earthrealm had won the tournament, and they would never be able to merge realms. So what were the "dark times" that raiden spoke of?


Many began to speculate what raiden meant from "the dark times." It wasn't exactly specific, so many threw guesses out such as an invasion, an apocalypse, etc. But whatever it was, the god of thunder of the mortal kombat universe seemed intent to stop it.

But what was he willing to do, to sacrifice, in order to stop it? The only way they were gonna find out is through watching this.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Regardless of the question on their minds, they decided that they'd spent enough time in the dangerous lands of Outworld and that it was time to leave. Peter searched for Ben but saw no sign of him and could only sigh in frustration and began stalking off towards the portal that raiden opened up. Before he did enter, he managed to convince Raiden to allow Skarlet to come along since she was no longer allied to Shao Khan nor quan chi and would be a great defender of Earthrealm. Another thing that happened was Jade's confrontation with the arriving general kotal who had heard the news of Shao Khan's defeat. Spiderman couldn't hear what was being said between them, but judging by the animated actions between the 2, the chat was getting heated and eventually ended with Jade slapping Kotal across the face and walking towards the portal to earthrealm.

When the group returned to the shaolin Academy, they met up with Sonya Blade, who was watching over an unconscious Jax being given new Cybernetic arms by Special forces currently operating on him. After exchanging pleasantries and giving her the news that they had beaten Shao Khan, Raiden had a monk escort the tired warriors to another part of the academy where they will be given a room to rest and recuperate.

A lot of close calls had occurred, but the enemy was defeated. Now, what was next for the amazing Spiderman and his allies?

That was a question Peter was more than willing to not bother answering as he willed the top half of his suit to come off. Pete's hands ran through his hair, letting out a sigh as the days events caught up to him.

'When was the last time I took a break? Like a proper one? Or even slept?' The man from Queens mentally asked himself. 'I don't think I have ever since....' Peter paused. He did not want to think about that anymore.

The wallcrawler laid back on the bed, an arm over his head as he felt fatigue hit him. His eyes began to feel droopy, and he slowly began to close his eyes, feeling his mind drift away into the world of dreams.....


Peter's eyes snapped open at the sound of knocking at his door and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes, a low growl escaping him before it turned into a sigh.

"Who is it?" Peter called out tiredly. He paused, feeling a gentle knock in his head and knew that it was psylocke. He opened his mind slightly.

'It's us, Peter.' The mutant telepath called out.

'We need to talk.' Storm said, her voice ever so gentle.

'Can't it wait until tomorrow?' Peter asked. He knew what they wanted to talk about, and he was once again attempting to put it off for as long as possible.

'No, Peter, this has been held off long enough. This is perhaps the only chance we'll get to talk about it. Who knows what will happen tomorrow or in the next few hours.' Psylocke replied. Determined to discuss what happened in his head.

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