Chapter 5: The man behind the Spider

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3rd POV: Whilst Peter was having his shower, psylocke and storm were still sitting in the living room. With the wallcrawler now out of hearing, ororo turned to betsy.

Storm: All right, talk. What did you see in his head?

Psylocke: (goes to open her mouth, but then just sighs) I think it's best that I show you.

Betsy leans towards Ororo and places her hand on Storm's head and shows her what she saw in Spiderman's head. After 3 seconds, psylocke pulls her hand back and watches as Storm closes her eyes, takes a breath, and wipes a tear that comes down her eye.

Storm: he didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve to lose his child.


Many of the people in the omniverses agreed that no parent should ever lose their child.

(Template Earth)

Storm: and his aunt may as well, that poor woman.

Psylocke merely nodded in agreement. The 2 mutants stayed quiet, allowing themselves time to take in what they saw from those memories before the mutant telepath had a metaphorical lightbulb appeared and stood up and went to the exit.

Storm: Where are you going?

Psylocke: somewhere.

Storm: (raises eyebrow and stands up) And where is this "somewhere?"

Psylcoke pauses, her hand on the handle before turning to her fellow X woman.

Psylocke: Peter's room.

She then opens the door and walks down the hallway.

Storm: Wait, what?!

Storm quickly rushes to catch up to her.

Storm: (stands in front of psylocke) You can't just go into someone's private quarters! What are you even hoping to find?

Psylocke: Some answers to my curiosities.

She then walks past Storm and heading towards Peter's room.

Storm: (walks next to the mutant telepath) And instead of asking him in person, you decide to sneak into his room and get your answers.

Pyslocke: (sighs) Yes, Ororo. Besides, (she stops) he's suffering, he's a volcano just waiting to erupt, and I don't want him to end up destroying himself.

Storm: (she stops psylocke by placing a hand on her shoulder) There's more to why you're doing this, isn't there?

Pyslocke stares down at the ground, a memory coming to the forefront of her mind.

Pyslocke stares down at the ground, a memory coming to the forefront of her mind

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