Chapter 29: Brothers Unite.

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A/N: I apologise for any spelling mistakes.

3rd POV: In the Marvel omniverse, Aunt May (616) was ecstatic. Ben Reilly, her nephew, had returned. Happy tears fell from her eyes, and she wiped them away, but she couldn't. Her emotions were all over the place, but at the end of the day, Peter had done succeeded in his goal, he saved his brother.

Teresa Parker (616) was the same as her aunt. Her brother won, he got Ben back, but with that happiness came nerves. The invasion from Outworld was still happening.

She now hoped and prayed that all 3 of her brothers made it out of this fight alive.

(Mortal kombat universe)

Ben Reilly stood protectively over the downed Peter Parker, glaring with hate at the netherealm sorcerer, quan chi.

"You dare betray me?" Quan Chi questioned, a frown plastered on his face.

"Oh, I dare." Ben replied. "I'm never gonna be someone's puppet again, not to the people that messed my head and certainly not you." He growled. "You want my brother so badly? You're gonna have to get through me." He said.

Quan chi maintained eye contact with the clone of Peter Parker before smirking. 2 portals opened up behind him, and out came sheeva and goro followed by a few cyber lin kuei.

"As much as I'd love to put you in your place." Quan Chi began. "I have more important matters to attend to." He ended, turning his attention to the 2 shokan. "Deal with these pests as you wish." The netherealm sorcerer said before using his magic to teleport himself away.

'Of course he'd run off.' Ben mentally grumbled to himself. He glanced behind him to see that peter was still caught up in the chains before turning to face his opponents. 'I'm gonna have to hold them off. Once I find an opening, I can grab Pete and get out of here.' The spider totem thought, body tensing, and getting ready for a fight.

"You will face the wrath of the mighty shokan!" Goro proclaimed loudly, arrogance clear in his tone.

"I don't know about mighty, I mean, you did lose an arm, and -" Ben then points at Goro's face, a smirk on his own face. "Got a nice little faceprint there, courtesy of my brother." He said.

Goro growled, and Ben tensed. The 2 getting ready to fight, whilst the cyber lin kuei began their approach.

"Sheeva." A voice called out. Everyone's attention turned to Peter, who struggled but eventually managed to sit up onto his knees. He's been trying to break free of the chains and was slowly making progress. Small cracks were appearing on the chains, and he was almost free of them. "Stop this, please. Some part of you must see that this is wrong." He started, staring at sheeva's impassive face. "What about your people? Could you honestly tell me that your kind are treated fairly by someone like shao Khan? What if he finds a better race? Do you think he's gonna keep the shokans around? He'll just replace you." He said, sheeva turned her head to the side, her eyes glazed, seemingly thinking over what he said. "And don't get me started on goro, I mean, look at him." He added.

"What are you speaking about, fool?" Goro growled out, but Peter paid him no mind.

"Goro will run the shokans into the ground. He's all brawn and no brains. You could change that." Peter said. Sheeva turns to Spiderman, her attention fully on him. "You can save your people. You can be the one that brings them to salvation and be seen as one of the saviors of earthrealm, not it's destroyers and you can start by stopping this nonsense and help us." Peter pauses before speaking again. "Help ME fight back against Shap Khan." He finished, his eyes holding out hope that sheeva would help him.

"HA! Sheeva will do no such thing. I am the king of the shokans, I am loyal to shao Khan, and I will bring my people to -" Goro never got to finish his sentence as he was forcefully turned by the female shokan and punched across the face. Goro staggered back, stunned at what sheeva did, before he regained his footing and set his glare on the female shokan. "Sheeva, you dare ?!" The king of the shokans yelled.

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