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Mias POV:
Less than 20 minutes later, 21 drivers were sitting around my office. 21, because Arthur had turned up too. Charles was sitting infront of me, holding my hand tight as I began to speak.

'I was in the Ferrari garage and heard Charles ask about the police at the side of the track. Xavi told him he had no idea, what it was, and then continued to tell me that it was Jehan who had been arrested for fucking with a Ferrari car.' I began.

'How did they find out?' Yuki interrupted.

Lewis judged him, telling him to shut up and I carried on talking.

'I tried to talk to Charles through the radio but he stopped me. So I went to Ferrari and spoke to my brother and Lando, asking them to bring him into a wall without hurting him.' I explained.

Charles looked absolutely furious. So did Max.

'Zak told me to hurry up because the world had just heard what I said over the radio and so I didn't have long to act. I was not going to be allowed back into the Ferrari garage and I wasn't allowed to tell Charles to pull over, so I had to get Danny to push you into a wall.' I continued.

'Lando was catching you up and I couldn't risk for you to slam on your breaks and not actually stop.' I responded.

'So what did he do to the car? Do you know?' Logan asked.

'Cut the breaks.'

'Fuck.' A few people mumbled, Lewis clasping Charles on the shoulder almost letting him know he's glad he was okay.

'I'm so sorry for getting mad at you.' Charles began.

I held my hand out, letting him know it was okay, and thankfully George interrupted before he could continue.

'Have they checked the car? They'd better hurry up because shit is hitting the fan on Twitter.' He added.

'What're they saying?' I frowned.

'I mean. Nothing too bad.' He shrugged, putting his phone down.

'Don't lie to me please.' I sighed.

'The fact that you're now engaged and that you tried to kill him isn't going down too well.' Yuki said, deadpan.

'Firstly, guys. Between us. We're not actually engaged. Charles just snapped at his head of security earlier on and the news spread like wildfire.' I said, clearing that up.

'I did think the ring on your finger was a little small.' Daniel mumbled, looking at my placeholder on my ring finger.

'Not that the size or the price of the ring matters. Does it Daniel?' George nudged him.

'Not at all. But for my sister I'd expect it-'

Lando cut him off. Stamping on his foot. Now was most definitely not the time to be talking about a ring for an engagement that was not real as of yet.

'Let's all get out of here. It's late and they'll start deconstructing in a few hours.' George said, looking at his watch.

'Let me know the second they post the car report, we'll all make sure to share it.' Lewis smiled, giving my hand a squeeze.

'I'm so glad you're both okay. I'm so sorry for putting you in a dangerous position.' I said, hugging both Lando and Daniel.

'It's okay. I know You'dve done the same for us.' Daniel responded.

'I wasn't about to die.' Lando responded, making me laugh.

Me and Charles were the only people left in the office after a few moments and he pulled me into a cuddle, kissing the top of my head a few times.

Pole position // Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now