Shikamaru's Confrontation - Ino

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She must've slept for a while because she awoke to the sun and someone knocking on the door.


Temari was holding Shikamaru back. Kankuro was with them.  She sat up as best as she could, wrapping the warm coat around her body awkwardly.

"Hey, come in."

Glancing over, Shino was finally asleep in the other bed. Shikamaru hovered over her.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I was crying a lot and I lost consciousness. Luckily Shino was with me-"

"Why were you crying?"

She rubbed her eyes with her free arm, not liking the tone of his voice.

"Oh, he and Kiba wanted me to come out last night and I couldn't bring myself to-"

"Why would they be dragging you out to a bar? You aren't well!"

Temari glared over at her boyfriend, who was practically yelling. Kankuro was gazing at her.

"Sounds like you had a rough night. Are you feeling okay now?"

"I'm feeling a lot better with the saline drip."

Shikamaru looked up, calling their friend out loudly from across the room.

"Hey, Shino! She can't go out! She shouldn't even be in Suna!"

Ino quickly came to his defense.

"Hey, leave him alone! He's the one who brought me to the hospital!"

"It sounds like he's the one who caused this issue in the first place!"

But Shino was awake and already getting out of the bed.

"That's okay, Ino. I'll be in the hallway."

Shino shuffled out, his hands shoved in the pockets of his hakama pants, shutting the door behind him. Ino was furious, and her monitors were showing it.

"You need to be nice to him! He saved my life last night! I was falling apart when he showed up at my room, bar or not! Besides, he's always nice to everyone!"

"Sounds like he's the one who got you worked up in the first place! Besides, it's just Shino!"

She sighed, shaking again, but this time from anger.

"You're getting me more worked up than he did!"

Temari reprimanded him.

"Seriously, drop it."

Kankuro changed the subject.

"Gaara sent me to check on you. He said not to come in until you're feeling up to it. And if you have to head home, that's okay, too. And we hope you're feeling better soon."

But clearly, from the look on Kankuro's face, he wasn't aware of how sick she was until now. Nobody knew except for Kakashi and Sakura, and now all of them.  Ino tried to answer calmly.

"Tell him I said thank you for your kindness. Both of you."

Kankuro nodded. Temari sat on the bed beside her and smoothed back Ino's hair.

"Get some rest. I'll get these two out of here and I'll check on you later."

Temari kissed her forehead gently before getting up and the trio left. And once again, she was alone. The healer returned a few minutes later. Ino spoke as confidently as she could.

"Miss? Is it okay if I get up and go to the bathroom and walk a little?"

"Sure, if you think you can."

She got up shakily and, taking her IV pole, shuffled to the bathroom. She peed more now than she had in months. Flushing and washing her hands, she shuffled back to the bed and slid Shino's jacket on, letting the IV tubing slide down the sleeve and against her bicep. It was warm, even with the cold tubing against her skin. She shuffled out to the hallway and quickly found Shino, sitting quietly on a bench. He didn't look over at her.  She stiffly sat beside him.

"You didn't cause me to pass out. You didn't even upset me, past those first few minutes. Actually, you were a big comfort to me when I thought I was dying. I'm... afraid I'm going to die alone. And I was so glad that you held me."

"I thought you were gone..."

He sounded shaken, and why wouldn't he be?

"I'm sorry to put you through that. You're a good shinobi, staying with your mission to the end-"

"Is that what you think? I stayed because I'm assigned to watch over you? I stayed because we're friends. This isn't even a sanctioned mission. It's a favor to Hana and Kakashi. We're just supposed to be around while you work."

She hung her head, a little surprised that he had snapped back at her.  She sighed.

"Sorry. I misread the situation."

And then, she heard Shino chuckle beside her.

"Usually, it's me who misreads situations."

This made her smile a little. He'd always been very literal. She felt herself begin to shake again as she pulled his jacket around her tighter.  He spoke to her gently.

"Come on, let's get you back into bed."

She allowed Shino to help her up.

"Thanks for letting me use your jacket."

"You were cold."

"I'm always cold."

She climbed back into bed but didn't let go of his hand.

"Would you mind laying with me? Unless you're uncomfortable with that."

He slid off his shoes once again and climbed in beside her. He laid his head beside hers.

"Is this okay?"

"I'm more worried about you. I don't want you to get in trouble with your girlfriend or anything."

"I haven't had a girlfriend in six months."

She scooted closer to him in the small hospital bed.

"Thank you for being my friend. It doesn't feel like I've had too many people around recently. But I think that's my fault. I haven't felt very sociable since my parents died. And even that was four years ago."

"You should reach out to people."

She reached out for his hand, touching his fingers gently. She watched him blush as she entwined her fingers with his.

"Is this okay?"


A minute later, she was surprised when he turned and gently scooped her up, holding her against himself, careful for her IV.

"Is this okay? I'm not good with social cues."

She snuggled her face into his shoulder.

"Yes. You are so warm and comforting, and I'm so cold."

She gently rested her IV arm on his waist, touching his back. No one had held her in years. He rested his chin on top of her head.

"I'm sorry you're hurting so much."

"This makes it hurt a little less."

He gave her a little squeeze.  She fell asleep in his arms.

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