The Most Daunting Task - Shino / The Wildflower And The Beetle - Sakura

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As much fun as Sunagakure had been, Shino was glad to be heading home. As he sat in their train compartment, holding a sleeping Ino, he was overwhelmed by all of the things he needed to do upon his arrival home. He had to get Ino settled in, catch up with Dad, check in with Kiba, check in with Hinata and Kurenai Sensei, see if the school rosters were ready yet... the list went on and on.

But he knew the most daunting task would be Ino.

Even though the past few days were the best of his life, he noticed that her behavior was slowly changing. She was beginning to eat less and sleep less. And he was quickly realizing that the problem might be returning to Konoha. He knew they were about to be hit with reality-


Ino spoke to him sleepily. Even now, her sleep was light, and she kept waking up.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She shrugged.

"Are you hungry?"

She shrugged again, this time hugging him tighter around the middle.

"I don't want to go home."

He pulled her in closer.

"You never have to go back to that apartment. Your home is with me now."

But he knew that their return would be rough. He continued to speak softly as he gazed at her sleepy face.

"Promise me you'll eat something when we get back?"

"I'll try."

"Will you at least see Sakura and get some fluids?"

She nodded, closing her eyes again and drifting back off to sleep, maybe to avoid his questions.

Unfortunately, they couldn't avoid these issues forever.


Sakura was surprised when Ino was standing in her office doorway, and she was even more surprised when Shino walked up behind her, carrying two backpacks.  They must have come straight here, she thought to herself.  But why was Shino here?

"You're home!"

She got up from her desk.

"I am! Do you have time to hook me up to a vitamin bag?"

"Sure! Hey, Shino."


They walked down to the infusion room: a quiet place full of recliners with the tv playing softly.

"Can I weigh you before I hook you up? Come on, you know the drill."

Ino continued to the room in the back, sighing as she took her shoes off and stepped on the scale. She was in a good mood; better than she had been in-

"Woah, you gained three pounds while you were gone! Did you go to the hospital in Suna?"

"Yeah, but just a few times. Shino and I hung out and had a really good time. Well, I did..."

"I had fun."

He looked over, smirking at her. She giggled. Oh my god, Sakura thought. They're together.  Ino continued.

"He was my escort, and we had kashipan every morning and watched tv. We went to the bar at night. I guess getting away is what I needed.  I just hope the wellness lasts."

It wasn't getting away, it was Shino.  She might actually have a chance at recovering.  Sakura wanted to cry.

"Maybe this can be the start of something positive."

"I hope so. I'm staying with the Aburames now as well, so it's all good."

Ino turned and smiled at Shino, who was grinning. They walked back to the recliners; Ino chose her usual one, and Shino sat beside her, holding her hand.

Sakura inserted the saline lock and taped it before starting the yellow vitamin bag. They were actually really cute together. Shino was quiet, but he was handsome and stable. A schoolteacher. He just hid under that jacket and those sunglasses. The guy who was into bugs. 

And Ino, if she could pull herself together, was a stunning wildflower of a woman.  At least the Ino that Sakura could remember.

The wildflower and the beetle.  It seemed appropriate.

And Ino seemed to really like him.

Sakura left and came back with some paperwork to looked over so she could sit with her friends and hear about their trip.  Her heart was so full for her friend.

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