Shino's Caregiver - Shino

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Shino awoke to a darkened room, freezing cold, even under the blanket. Ino was sleeping soundly beside him, snuggled into him. He hated to get up, but he had to pee. 

Shuffling to the bathroom, his body was insanely stiff and sore. HIs left side ached. When he finally made it, his piss was pink with blood. It wasn't surprising, though. He had taken a few hits on the bottom of the river, rolling on his side as he protected his student.

"Shino? You're pissing blood."

Ino was suddenly behind him, looking over his shoulder.

"I'm okay. I am freezing, though."

She frowned as she pulled him from the bathroom, taking him back to bed.

"Let's stoke the hearth a little-"

"I'll get it-"

Ino steered him back to bed gently.

"No, I can do it. Go and lay back down. I'm taking care of you, remember?"

She got him back in and covered up before adding a few more logs to the hearth on the other side of the bedroom. He settled into the blankets uncomfortably, watching his girlfriend as she stoked the fire before returning to him. Climbing in next to him, she fluffed his pillows and helped to make him more comfortable before picking up the teaspoon and the bottle of medicine.

"You need to take more of this."

He frowned but accepted the bitter liquid, gagging a little as the taste overpowered his mouth.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really. I'm exhausted. I used up the majority of my chakra summoning my Ninja Beetle to save the first student so I could grab the second. What time is it?"

"I'm not sure. I think it's about eight-"

There was a knock at the front door.

"I don't know if Shibi's home.  I'll get it."

Ino disappeared and a moment later, Shino heard a familiar, worried voice.

"Hey, Iruka Sensei!"

"Hey, Ino. Is Shino here?"

"He is."

"He didn't go to the hospital?"

"He didn't, but I was able to fix his elbow and patch him up.  He's in pretty rough shape, though."

Shino forced himself up, hobbling to grab a fresh pair of pants and talk to Iruka himself. He wanted to go to the Academy tomorrow. He wanted to be there for his students. He could still hear the conversation as he clumsily pulled his pants on, even though it hurt.

"He should've gone to the hospital, but I couldn't force him.  He saved two boys' lives today. He was in the river before Anko even knew what happened."

"Are the boys okay? He said they were when he left-"

He hurried down the hallway before losing his balance by the front door, ramming into the corner of a wall with his bad shoulder. It didn't matter right now-

"Are they okay?!"


Ino put a hand on his chest while supporting his back with the other, trying to help him straighten up. He was trembling; he had really hurt himself on the wall. Iruka smiled.

"They're both okay; I came to check on you, since Anko said you were heading away from the hospital when you left."

"I'm fine-"

"Yes, you will be fine. I'm taking care of you... but you're not going in tomorrow."

He could hear the frustration in Ino's voice. And now, he could feel his frustration building as well.  He protested.

"But, Ino-"

She turned back to Iruka Sensei.

"He's mine tomorrow. I had to reset a dislocated elbow and it's only started to swell. And he's lacerated badly from the riverbed. You can have him back on Monday, Sensei."

Shino must've looked shocked, because Iruka chuckled.

"She's right, Shino. You should rest through the weekend. You'll only be missing one day. Anko can handle your class tomorrow."

He frowned, mumbling.

"I hate missing class..."

"I know, but you can't wrangle a bunch of kids like this. You almost fell over, getting your pants on and getting to the front door."

Shino hung his head as Ino rubbed his back. She spoke gently to Iruka.

"Thanks for checking in, Sensei. He's okay; I'll make sure he rests."

Iruka watched them, grinning.

"Thanks, Ino. And good job today, Shino. Try to enjoy your day off tomorrow."

Ino shut the door, helping him to their bedroom.

"My sad boyfriend needs to be back in bed."

He sighed, dejected as he stiffly climbed back in, his body going limp dramatically against the pillows. She climbed in beside him, reaching over and gently tracing the new bruising on his face.

"You're a mess, Baby."

"I fell over and hit my shoulder. Again."

"Oh, Shino..."

He could feel his voice beginning to crack with frustration.

"I really hurt it. My body really hurts..."

She cooed at him, soothing him gently.

"You weren't going in tomorrow anyway. You're swollen and bruised, and Iruka's right, you should've been in the hospital.  And if you're not well enough, you're not going back on Monday, either."

He shut his eyes tightly, looking like he was trying to stop tears.

"How well do I have to be to go back on Monday?"

She smirked.

"How about if you spar with me and win on Sunday night, you can go back on Monday?"

She smirked. She had to be joking-

"Shino, I'm kidding. Let's see how you're doing on Sunday evening."

He looked at her, slightly annoyed now as well. She leaned in and kissed him lovingly, continuing.

"Please, rest. Please. Your body is hurt. Your shoulder is forming another bruise. You're seeping through your bandages. You saved two kids today, and you hurt yourself by putting on your pants and hurrying down the hallway. This is your excuse to be lazy and let me kiss your body and feed you and watch shitty tv."

He wanted to cry, his frustration and annoyance dissipating with her words.

"I love you. Thanks for taking care of me."

"I haven't gotten to do much yet. You were asleep and so adorable until Iruka knocked."

"I'm less adorable awake?"

She wrinkled her nose at him.

"Nah. Only when you're fighting me about going back to the Academy."

He smiled at her as best he could: his bruised face hurt terribly. So much more than when Choji broke his nose, which was still broken from that incident.

"I'm so proud of you."

"You would've done the same thing. Those kids had to go home to their families."

She nodded.

"I'm still proud of you. Are you comfortable?"

"Not really, but I will be."

He snuggled in next to her, the medicine starting to work as she kissed his injured shoulder lovingly.  He'd never had anyone take care of him like this before, and he could get used to it.

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