The Meet Up - Shikamaru / A Celebration Of Healing - Ino

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"Why do you look so nervous?"

Temari watched her husband with curiosity as they walked to BBQ's. He had his head down and his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket. He looked over at her.

"I'm not nervous. Not really. I'm just not sure what we're walking into with Ino. Honestly, I've barely seen Ino in six months. She's been holed up at Shino's house. And before Suna, I've barely seen her for the past few years. But when he came looking for me after things happened with Choji..."

She reached out for his hand.

"It'll be okay.  No one's coming for you."

"Shino might-"

"He will not.  I told you, I've already been out with him.  This isn't a confrontation.  There are no bad guys in this situation.  We're just here getting closer with our friends and reconnecting."

They entered the restaurant and found Shino and Ino in a back corner kotetsu.  Shikamaru sat down beside Ino and was actually a little surprised when she leaned over and hugged him tightly. He held her, cradling her head in his hand against his shoulder. She felt a lot healthier in his arms; she wasn't skeletal thin anymore.  Actually, her body felt quite normal.

"You look good, Ino."

"Thanks, how are you doing?"

"We're doing well. Lots of wedding planning."

Shino was bandaged heavily, his arm in a sling still. His bruised face was more prominent now around his round glasses.  Temari sat beside him; it warmed Shikamaru's heart to see that Temari was getting comfortable around more people in Konoha.  They ordered sake and appetizers.

"Have you made it back to the Academy?"

She watched him, looking concerned.

"I was back last week. I can't do too much hands on stuff, but I'm there."

"He was going to go back the next day, but I insisted that he stay home."

He gave Ino a small smile as she chided him gently.

"My kids need me."

Shikamaru watched Ino practically melt at his words.  She spoke gently.

"I know, but I need you to be okay. Between saving those students and getting your nose broken the week before, I can't take much more excitement."

He smiled at her again as she picked up a piece of melon with her chopsticks and placed it in his mouth. Shikamaru hadn't actually seen much of them together, but they were cute as a couple. As odd of a pairing as they seemed, they were well suited for each other. 

 But then, Shikamaru frowned, changing the subject.

"Choji left."

Shino frowned as well.

"I didn't say anything to Karui-"

"I know you didn't. Whatever happened there was between the two of them. But I have the feeling that Karui came here and saw the state of his relationships and decided to leave. He honestly would've been better staying in Kumo.  I guess he's staying in Kumogakure now."

Ino watched the table sadly.

"He never owed me anything-"

"There's more going on than that. It's undeniable that a rift has occurred between the families that lost members in the war and the ones that didn't. And if Karui wanted to come down on his response to your tragedy, then that's between them. But he was gone for four years while we tried to put our lives back together. And his family was here the entire time.  No one reached out past that first week."

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