A Warm Shower / Useful - Ino

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She felt so embarrassed, having to ask for more help from Shino.  He was once again laying on the bed this morning, reading a book.  Her stuffed tanooki was beside him.

"Could you... keep an ear out for me while I shower? Sometimes... sometimes the hot water makes me pass out. Last time I hit my head on the wall and woke up on the shower floor."

He suddenly tensed up, that serious look on his face becoming more serious as she spoke.  Putting his book down, he sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Of course."

She was beaming, suddenly secretly excited. A warm shower! She gathered her things and headed off for the tiny bathroom attached to their Inn room. Turning on the water, she let the shower steam before she got in. The water felt so nice! It was warm and lovely. And so far, she felt okay.  A moment later, a voice echoed in the bathroom.

"Is it okay if I talk to you while you shower?"

Shino wanted to talk to her? She figured that he might relish the moment alone. They had been together constantly for days.

"Sure, come in!"

He didn't come too close, instead hanging by the open bathroom door, but he could've come closer. She knew that he wouldn't hurt her; there was no fear of that.  He couldn't even see her.

"What can I do to help you right now?"

His voice was full of concern.

"You don't need to do anything except make sure I don't drown if I pass out. I appreciate you doing this. Sometimes, Sakura comes over so I can take one."

She washed her hair, watching the drain clog with her blonde locks that had fallen out. She frowned. Soon, she wouldn't have enough hair to part over. She'd have to wear a hat-

"Is Sakura the person you see the most?"

She sighed.

"Yeah, but Sakura's at the hospital a lot, and her mom died in the war. She takes care of her dad, and she comes to see me when she can. But mostly, she comes to sit with me when I come to the infusion room at the hospital for saline and vitamins. Or when I get below 85 pounds and she insists on giving me a feeding tube.  And I go for saline almost every day.  So yeah, she's the person I see the most."

"Shouldn't you be getting that here in Suna every day?"

"I came here hoping that a change of scenery would make me feel better. It's kind of like a vacation."

"That doesn't really sound like something you can take a vacation from. You still have to take care of yourself."

Shino actually sounded a little annoyed.

"I am. I had some water-"

"And now you're in a steamy shower."

She frowned, turning the water off. Grabbing her towel, she wrapped it around herself and walked out.  He looked away automatically.

"Let me take you for an infusion, Ino."

"Because I have to meet Gaara at 12."

"It's only 9."

She felt a little annoyed by his directness, but she didn't want to lose his company.

"If I go, you'll stay with me?"

"Of course.  And we can even get breakfast before heading to the Kazekage's office."


That night, dinner felt different. They laughed over sushi and Ino ate four pieces, along with half a glass of water. Shino was a comfort, and a balm to her soul. He was serious with a dry wit, but he was also funny and kind. So kind. She was sorry that they weren't better friends as kids.

And now, they were lying in bed, talking in the dark.

"Can I ask you for a favor when we get back home?"


"Can I... come visit you in your bedroom sometimes? I like this."

He grinned.

"You can come visit me anytime you'd like. I like this, too."

She smiled at him. She hadn't smiled so much in years. He smiled back at her.

"I'm proud of you, eating half a sushi roll tonight."

"I'm stuffed."

"I bet you are."

"I'm also happy. You saved my life, Shino."

"I didn't. Like I said, you have some fight left, that's for sure."

"Then thank you for your support. And your friendship."

She placed her forehead against his, soaking in this calm moment. Her head didn't hurt, her body felt a little stronger, and she had someone who wanted to be around her.

"Hold on."

He pulled his face back and took off his dark shades. For the first time ever. And she didn't mean to sound dramatic, but she let out a little gasp.

"Oh, Shino..."

He looked embarrassed, but she kissed his forehead. He had the most beautiful light brown eyes she had ever seen. They caught the light of the dying hearth.

"You have beautiful eyes. How did I not know that?"

"My beetles are sensitive to the light, and so am I, so I always have to wear dark glasses if there's even a little bit of light."

"That's too bad."

"It's okay. I'm quiet anyway. I don't like to talk to much of anyone."

"I'm glad you talked to me."

"Me too."

She kissed his forehead again, closing her eyes. She wanted to kiss his lips, but she didn't know how he felt. Also, she shouldn't fuck up her new living arrangement before she even arrived home.

When she opened her eyes, he was studying her, a small smile on his face.  She teased him gently.

"I should warn you, when I move in, I have a million houseplants."

He chuckled.

"We'll find a place for all of them. It'll be the reason we finally open the curtains. We kind of live in darkness, even though we always wear dark shades anyway. Auntie Izumi keeps coming over and opening them."

"It sounds like you two might need a buffer, and someone to take care of things. I can do that-"

"You don't have to do a thing but take care of yourself."

"But that is me taking care of myself. I want to help. I want to be useful."

"Okay. But take it easy. We're grown, we can take care of things as well."

She nuzzled her nose against his.

"Yeah, but I get to fuss over you both."

"We'll see."

"Oh, you don't think I'll fuss over you and your Dad? Make sure your clothes are clean and things are swept? I used to fuss over my Dad all the time. Both me and my Mom. He had it coming from two people."

She cradled his cheek in her hand before she quickly realized that she was probably touching him too much, pulling it away. But he was smiling.

"I like it when you talk about them. There's a lot of love in your voice."

"I like hearing about your family. It sounds busy and comforting, like everyone really likes each other."

"They do. You'll like it there a lot."

She took a deep breath and let it out raggedly. But not because of tears. Her heart was pounding. She liked him. He was handsome and kind. And he was attentive and supportive. And she got to share a space in his clan house with him and live a little bit of his life with him.

She was so excited!

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