A Good Friend - Shino / Kink - Ino

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Shino was really late after getting tea with Temari; he returned home to Ino lying in bed already.  Sliding his jacket off and hanging it up, he approached the bed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She raised a hand in a weak wave, her back to him. But she didn't answer. He laid beside her, putting a hand on her back.


She rolled over, her face streaked with tears. He felt his heart drop.

"Ino, what happened?"

"I started a fight with Choji. Kiba saved me and took me out for a drink. So we could talk."

This was bad all around.

"First of all, are you okay?  Did he hurt you?"

"No, Choji and I just screamed at each other on the street.  Nothing happened and Kiba broke it up pretty quickly."

"What did Kiba say?"

"A lot. He's still afraid that I'll hurt you. He's afraid that I'll be out of here soon enough. He also told me that you have a thing for damsels in distress. And then he told me that he's not sure why I'm around, because I never paid you much attention in the past."

Fucking Kiba. But she continued as she teared up.

"And honestly, I can't blame him for any of it. I know he's looking out for you. He doesn't want me to hurt you, especially since we're getting so much closer. Also since I fit the bill for the girls you tend to like."

He sighed, speaking quietly to her as he tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear.

"I do tend to like girls who need help, but you already knew that. I like to feel needed. I like to care for other people; it's the reason I'm a jonin. It's the reason I'm a schoolteacher.  I've always felt invisible; I'm so shy and awkward.

"But that's not why I asked you to be my girlfriend. I... I really care about you, Ino. You're my friend first. And honestly, I did tell Kiba that I didn't expect you to stick around in the beginning: you're way out of my league. I figured that when you felt better, you'd be back out on your own, being your vibrant self-"

"How dare you..."

He was surprised by her sharp words.


"How dare you just assume I'd leave. You offered me a family... you offered me a family..."

She fell apart, curling into a tight ball as she sobbed. He sighed, putting a hand on her side.

"I'm sorry. I just... nobody's ever stayed, except for you. You've given me an amazing six months, and part of me is still waiting for you to walk out the door. I figured you'd want someone more outgoing... someone less shy..."

"I-I don't think you're that shy."

"Maybe it's because I'm not so shy around you. I've known you for so long, and I care about you so much. You were always the pretty girl on the swing at the park, who would sing at the top of her lungs while I caught bugs. I've known you for so long... it's like you're a part of me."

She sat up, crying.

"I care about you, Shino. And I'm sorry I didn't hang out with you at the Academy-"

"Why are you sorry for that? So we never hung out, who cares? You had Sakura, and I had Kiba and my brother. We weren't interested in hanging out. People are allowed to grow up. It's okay. I'm sorry that Kiba painted it that I only like women in distress. I don't enjoy seeing anyone in distress-"

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