Beautiful / Chemistry - Ino

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Ino found herself waking up a couple of hours after falling asleep.  She had done well with finding sleep on this trip, but now that her return to Konoha was looming, she was starting to wake in the middle of the night again.  As long as the night terrors didn't come back, she'd be okay.  Shino awoke beside her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just fragmented sleep again.  Sorry."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"It's okay."

"I guess I'm up now.  My body has decided it's had enough sleep."

Shino chuckled.

"I guess you can have your surprise now, if you want."

She looked over at him in disbelief.

"A surprise?"

"I booked you a private bath; I thought some warm water might help your bone cold chill."

He reached over and took the key from his bedside table. She took it shakily, looking at it.  It was so thoughtful!

"Thanks, Shino!"

He grinned at her, but she didn't want to go alone.

"Will you come with me?"

His face turned bright red as he grinned.

"You want me to?"

He was so easy to read, even through his serious expression.

"I'd like you to, but if you don't want to, I get it-"

"No!  I want to!  It's just... are you going to want to be naked around me?"

His face was now redder than ever in the dim light.

"I look like a living skeleton.  I don't think it's going to be as salacious as you think it will be."

She wasn't worried about things going too far with her current physique: she was stick thin still, and bruised from her anemia.  But even after her warning, he continued to blush.

"What makes you think I won't find you beautiful?"

She sighed.

"Shino, I'm terribly thin and covered in bruises.  I mostly need some help bathing.  I'm sorry."

She wanted to cry, but his words were gentle.

"Of course I'll help you."

They both put on their yukatas and headed to the bath.  Shino locked the door and checked the water as Ino slid her yukata off.  He helped her into the water slowly and she sat down, covering her body as best as she could with her hands.

"Will you get in with me?"

Afraid that she might have to beg, he complied the first time, sliding his yukata off and joining her.  It was the first good look she had gotten of him and holy shit, he was delicious!  Tall, scarred, tattooed and muscular, he slid in beside her and sat down.  Now Ino was the one blushing deeply.

"Shino, you look so good..."

Two embarrassed people, sitting in the private bath.  He muttered.


Ino had never been self-conscious about her body, but she was now.  The dainty curves she'd had as a teenager before the war gave way to her now skeletal appearance.  She was lanky and awkward and shook often from the cold, as Shino was quickly learning.  But she was shocked to see Shino hunched a little, trying to cover his erection.  She couldn't help but smile.

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