No Promises / Catching Up - Shino

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"Are you sure it's okay if I go out this afternoon? I know you're having a bad day."

She looked up at him.

"Of course. You need to take care of yourself as well."

He sat beside her, touching her arm. She was shaky tonight.

"But you're the one who needs support right now."

She put her book down.

"Shino, it has to be exhausting, taking care of someone as broken as I am. Please, go out, get lunch, go to the bar, do whatever, and have a good time. I'm perfectly fine. I'll at least be okay until you get home."

He was still nervous to leave her.

"At least try to eat a little something? And have a little water?"

She nodded.

"I will. Try to have a good time?"

"I'll try."

She reached a hand up, cradling his cheek.

"Have a wonderful night out, Shino."

He nodded as she tried to smooth his furrowed brow with her thumb. There was a knock at the door, and Shino knew that Kiba would be bursting in a moment later. Akamaru came skittering in first, followed by Kiba.

"Hey, Shino! Hey, Kiba!"

Akamaru jumped up on the bed, nestling in next to Ino.

"Hey, Kiba. Akamaru."

She petted the dog, making him shut his eyes. Shino sighed.

"I won't be out long. Do you want me to bring you something back?"

"Nope. Just stay out as long as you want. And Kiba? Make sure he relaxes and has a good time?"

Kiba grinned.

"I'll try. No promises; he's wound pretty tightly when it comes to you."

Shino felt his face flush with embarrassment. Looking over at Ino, she was smiling at him.

"No one's cared that much about me in years. I'm flattered, but you need to fill your cup as well. Go get drunk with your best friend. I'll be here."

Akamaru rested his face in her lap.

"Akamaru wants to stay with you, if that's okay."

"I'd like that."

She leaned in and buried her face into his furry side.

"Okay, I'll be back later."

"Sounds good! Have fun!"

Shino headed down the hallway, stopping at his father's room.

"Hey, Dad? Could you check on Ino a little later? I'm going out with Kiba for a while."

Shibi smiled.

"Sure, Son."

"Akamaru's with her right now."


Shino could feel Kiba's eyes practically burning into him as he sat across from him at the bar.

"So spill it. I've barely seen you all summer, so the stories had batter be worth it."

He knew this was coming. This was Kiba's way of checking in on him when he was annoyed.

"I don't have anything you're looking for. I haven't slept with her yet."

Kiba looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world.

"What?! Man, what's going on with you? Are you not attracted to her?"

Shino laughed at this.

"I've never been more attracted to someone. She's wanted to try, but I want to hold off until she's well. I don't want to hurt her."

"Don't flatter yourself."

Shino rolled his eyes as Kiba laughed.

"Is she getting better, though?"

"Yeah, the nightmares have stopped and she's very slowly gaining weight. She came off the home IV two weeks ago. And really, it's only been a month since we thought we might lose her. We've been - well, I've been - focused on getting her to a healthier place. Sex hasn't even been an option, in my mind. But fuck, our foreplay has been sensual."

"Let's hear about that, then."

Shino could talk about Ino, and their delicious foreplay, to Kiba all day.

"It's been fun, teasing her with tasty food. Telling her that she'll get rewarded if she eats. At first, it was just me promising a warm bath and snuggles, but now it's date nights and treats. And she complies. It's like a game. I'm sure we'll sleep together soon, though."

Kiba grinned.

"You sound like you're pretty serious with her."

"I think she could be the one."

Kiba'seyes grew wide.

"Really? You haven't even had sex with her yet. What if she's awful in bed?"

"She's built like a goddess and we care about each other a lot.  There's no way sex with her won't be amazing, once she's a little healthier."

Kiba grinned as he knocked back his sake. Shino knocked back his as well before continuing.

"How about you? How's your summer been going?"

Kiba shrugged.

"It's been okay. I've been picking up a lot of missions to get out of the house. A few dates, a few hookups. It's been a pretty chill summer. I wish you were around more, though."

"I'll be around more. Ino's in a much better place, so I'll be coming out more often, I'm sure she'll be coming out more often, too. I'm sure we'll be seeing her friends more often as well"

Kiba watched him skeptically. Shino laughed a little.

"Really, I'll be around. Sorry I haven't been around much."

He'd make it up to his friend. Things were looking up.

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