Ino's Fairy Tale Night - Ino

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Ino stepped out in the light purple dress that flowed like wind. It was a special surprise from Ayami. She felt like a queen, complete with the crown of white and purple flowers that adorned her head. Sakura straightened her dress out in the back.

"You look amazing..."

She giggled.

"Thanks.  I feel like royalty."

"Do you know what you're doing tonight?"

"No.  Do you?"

Sakura smiled.

"Actually, I do.  You're about to have a wonderful night.  It's very... Ino."

She laughed. Sakura brought her out to the front porch of the house. They watched two horses slowly trot up to the house.

"What in the world?"

There was a rider on one of the horses, and she quickly realized that it was Shino.

"Shino! Horses?"

"Yeah!  Do you remember how to ride?"

They went on a mission years ago where they had to ride horseback to get to their destination.

"I remember!"

She walked up to the snow-white horse with the grey speckled flank, letting it smell her before she touched his pink muzzle.  He was very gentle.  She spoke to him quietly, as if he understood her.

"Help me out, okay?  I haven't ridden in a while, and I want to impress this guy."

He blew a little air out of his nose.  She kissed his snout, leaving a little bit of pink lipstick.  She looked up at Shino, who was smiling at her.  He wasn't wearing his jacket.  Instead, he was dressed up in a black dress shirt and riding boots.  And dark shades.  He looked amazing. Sakura waved at her. She waved back.

"Come on, I want to show you something."

She mounted her horse carefully and took off after him, enjoying the warm August air on her face.  They rode across the fields on the west side of the village, the wind making her dress and hair flow behind her. Sakura had her flower crown pinned on just right so it didn't come off.

She moved up beside him, laughing.  He looked so serious as he concentrated.  He was always so serious, but that was okay.  That was her boyfriend, and she loved that about him. She was riding a horse through the fields like a queen! This was amazing!

Soon, they stopped at the edge of the tree line.  He dismounted and then helped her down as well.

"Oh, Shino!"

There was a table set up with a beautiful candlelit dinner.

"Come and eat."

They gave the horses some carrots before sitting down. She gave her white horse another kiss on the muzzle before sitting down, fixing her hair a little.  He sat across from her, grinning.

"You look so beautiful."

"Thanks.  You look so handsome, and you did so much for this date.  I've never seen anything like this."

He blushed a little in the candlelight.

"I wanted to treat you like the queens in your fairy tale books you like."

"This is unreal.  You did an amazing job..."

Even the food was thoughtful: red wine, skewered meat, bread, fruit, cheeses.  The table was covered in candles, but the food wasn't really the focal point.  It was more of an appetizer.  He knew she might not want a full dinner.

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