Unwanted Attention - Shino / Too Many Questions - Choji

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Shino smiled at Ino as he squeezed her hand. She had on a beautiful new kimono and she was bundled up against the chilly weather. And she was at her first festival in years! This was such an important night for her, and Shino was determined to make it magical.

And more importantly, it was her birthday! He had to make it magical since she had made it another year!

Her short hair looked delightful, framing her face. Her blue eyes were wide, taking everything in, and Shino was just happy to be there with her, supporting her and loving her.

They walked below the yellow and red lanterns in the park, hung in the trees. They were accompanied by Shikamaru and Temari, as well as Choji and Karui. The second couple being there made him a little nervous: the last time Shino and Ino had seen them, the Akamichis had acted as if they hadn't seen them. Shino wasn't even sure if Karui recognized them; she'd seen them so few times.

She hadn't recognized them tonight.

But he wasn't going to let that hurt Ino's night. He had nothing against Shikamaru, and Temari was helping to move the strained conversation along. She was really nice.

After some food and drinks, which Shino hoped would loosen up the conversation, he stood quietly while listening to Choji and Shikamaru. And even though Shino wasn't good at social situations, he could tell that the two men were struggling with their conversation. There was an uncomfortable undertone as the two spoke.

He was staring at the ground as he listened, but his attention perked up when he heard an unfamiliar voice enter their group.

"Hey, Beautiful."

A guy had slid up to their group with three of his friends, standing next to Ino. Shino didn't jump in immediately; Ino was her own person and maybe this guy was a friend-

"I said, 'Hey Beautiful.' Let me buy you a drink."

No, she was trying to ignore him. This guy was annoying, and very drunk. She addressed him.

"I know you're not talking to me."

"Why not, Gorgeous-"

"Because my boyfriend is three feet away from me."

The drunken man's face turned to one of anger from her blunt rejection.

"That's your boyfriend? He's a fucking coat and glasses. Is there even a person under there-"

"Fuck off. Seriously."

The guy stepped closer to her.

"What's he going to do? Wap me with his coat sleeves while I steal his girl- AHH!"

Shino didn't even move as the guy began to thrash around wildly, pulling at his clothes and screaming as he fell to the ground. His friends backed up, unsure of what was happening. Shino spoke calmly.

"Tell her you're sorry for bothering her."


It didn't stop as the man clawed at his skin and clothes. His friends were in a panic as well. Shino spoke again.

"It's not going to stop unless you actually apologize to her."


And he was suddenly still before scrambling to his feet. He screamed in Ino's face.


And he was clawing at his skin again, back on the ground.

"You can apologize to her again."


It took a second longer to stop this time, but the man didn't get up immediately. Shino spoke to man's now terrified friends.

"Get your dumb friend and go."

They helped him up and all four men took off. Shino looked up at Ino, who was smiling.

"Thanks, Shino-kun."

Her voice was soft and sweet, making him blush at her words. When he looked over at Karui, who was beside her, she was clearly impressed.

"What did you do to that guy? You didn't even lift a finger!"

He raised an arm and a beetle crawled up from his sleeve and into his palm.

"My clan specializes in bugs."

He was always happy to show off his beetles, but he kept it short. He put his arms down and stuck his hands in his pockets as the men next to him struggled on in their conversation.

But when he looked up to gaze at his precious girlfriend, he found Karui watching him instead. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, blushing. Ino was already back to talking to Temari, but she did glance over and give him a smile as well, her cheeks were also a little flushed.

Were both women blushing because of him?


Karui was in a strange mood on the way home. She kept asking questions about Shino, of all people.

"What did Shino do to that guy? He didn't even lift a finger. The bugs came from his jacket?"

"The bugs came from his body. It's not like my clan's butterfly jutsu. Their bodies actually host a colony of insects, and they can dispatch them at will. It saved our asses several times on the battlefield."

Her eyes lit up.

"Is that why he wears that big coat? Is he gross underneath?"

Choji shook his head no. The Shino questions were getting annoying.

"Nope. I grew up going to the pool with him in the summertime. He looks like a regular guy. His clan is incredibly shy, though. And very serious.  I do know that their eyes are very sensitive to the light, just like their bugs, so the sunglasses help. That's all I know about Shino."

He was trying to stop this conversation, and she knew it. His tone was not as kind as it could've been.  She frowned at him.

"What about Ino?"

They weren't done.

"What about her?"

"You said that you two were teammates, but we haven't seen her at all. We've barely seen Shikamaru."

He frowned.

"That's my fault, I guess. Her life fell apart like Shikamaru's, but she didn't bounce back. She used to be sassy and bitchy and really awesome, but after the war, she hid herself away. And I didn't know what to say, so I didn't check on her as much as I should've."

Karui's frown deepened.

"That's not good."

"I don't even know what kind of person she is anymore. And honestly, I can't believe she's with Shino."

"Why not?"

Choji shrugged.

"Ino's never been someone to slow down. She's always lived fast, shown her body, and stood out. She's shined ever since we were little. Shino is just... Shino. He only stood by and listened to me and Shikamaru tonight, and I didn't expect him to talk. And he didn't. He's weird, Karui. And I mean, they've always been friends, but not close friends. I've seen her stick up for him a few times. They're an odd pairing. Girls like Ino don't end up with the bug guy, that's all."


They continued walking; Karui's questions stopped and now there was only an uncomfortable silence the rest of the way home.

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