Shikamaru's Return - Shino / The Midnight Visit - Ino

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He returned home to Ino lying asleep on the couch. His father was reading a book in the armchair.

"Where did you go- what the hell happened to you?"

"I took a walk and ran into Choji."

"Choji did that?"

He took his bloody jacket off, wading it up and putting it in the bottom of the hamper. He threw his broken glasses in the trash and grabbed another pair. Cleaning his face in the bathroom, he was beginning to bruise with two black eyes. He pulled his other coat from the closet, putting it on. 

 This had gone a lot further than he had meant. 

Coming back, he moved Ino's feet, sitting on the couch and pulling his hood up over his head. He automatically began to rub her feet as she stayed asleep. Shibi looked a little alarmed.

"Mind if I ask what the hell happened between you two?"

"Shikamaru showed up while you two were asleep and we exchanged words outside. I told him that he's been a shitty friend. I left for a walk to clear my head, and then Choji ran into me, and I told him the same. Apparently, his fiancé left, and he thinks I said something to her to make her leave? He attacked me on the street, but I fought him off. He's just angry, and he took it out on me. They don't owe her anything, but she also doesn't owe them anything. I wish they'd both leave her alone until we get past this anniversary."

Shibi gave him a small smile.

"I'm proud of you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, he just punched me in the nose. It's not a big deal. But I can't lose her to the past."

"You won't. We've got her."

Shino nodded, running his fingers over her manicured toes.

"I'm going to take her to the hospital after school tomorrow for an IV infusion."

"She might be okay without it. She's been doing well except for the past couple of weeks. And even then, I haven't seen her as sick as she was when she arrived.  You've been doing a great job of helping her, Shino-"

There was a knock at the door. Shino stood up, tucking the blanket under Ino's feet.

"Call for me if you need backup, Son."

"I won't, but thank you."

He opened it, unsurprised to find Shikamaru on the other side. His head was down.

"You're not talking to her tonight."

"I came here to talk to you."

Shino sighed, stepping outside onto the front porch and shutting the door.


Shikamaru picked his head up and Shino was surprised to see him crying, even though he was clearly trying to hide it. He continued.

"I know she doesn't want to talk. I don't want to talk, either. I'm sorry she's going through it right now. And I'm sorry if my being around is putting stress on her."

Shikamaru tilted his head back up, trying not to look at Shino as he cried. Shino felt bad for the guy.

"I shouldn't have come at you like that before. Sorry."

Shikamaru stuck his hands in his pockets, staring at the ground again. His voice came out weakly.

"I abandoned her. I was so focused on saving myself that I didn't help her-"

"You couldn't have helped her. Your entire team imploded. It's easy for me to say that I've kept my house in order: our members didn't get his as hard-"

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