A Love That Makes Sense - Shibi / Taste - Shino

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Shibi laid in his bed, letting his mind wander to dark places when there was a tap on his window.

"Hey, can I come in?"

He sat up.

"Hey, Tsu."

She climbed through the window, shutting it tightly before taking her shoes and coat off. She put a couple of logs on the hearth before joining him on his bed.

"I'm guessing that Shino's okay enough since you're in bed."

He lifted the blanket, letting her under.  Her skin was cold against his.

"Sorry to cancel on you-"

"Don't be sorry; that's your son."

"He's okay, and Ino has him. I checked in briefly with her since he was asleep. I want to be here in case they need me. The river got him pretty good; all three of them are lucky."

"That's what Kakashi said. I got the story before I got here. I thought it would be best if I came to you tonight."

He gave her a smile.

"Thank you. I needed this. My mind has been going to dark places."

"I knew it would be."

She snuggled in beside him, putting a hand on his abdomen. He put a trembling hand on hers. Tsume cooed to him.

"He's okay. He has a partner who cares about him and will take good care of him. And I'll take good care of you."

He pulled her in close.

"I know you will."

And, in a sudden surge of emotion, he began to sob.

"I can't lose both of them! It'll kill me! Losing Torune almost killed me!"

He didn't get overly emotional often, but he had his moments where he could no longer contain it. Tsume cradled him as she comforted him.

"He's safe, Shibi. Shino is safe and warm, and so are you. Ino will take the best care of him. I bet she has him bandaged and full of medicine and they're both asleep in front of the hearth in their bed."

He buried his face between her breasts, inhaling her deeply. He felt so broken tonight: visions of a future without his sons and wife kept playing on loop in his brain, torturing him. Shino was his pride and joy, and he was all Shibi had left. And he looked just like Kaede...

He took another deep breath, trying to stop his tears and center himself. Tsume's hands were warm and comforting on his back. Tsume was always warm and comforting to him. He was lucky to have such a wonderful woman in his life. A best friend. A lover. A confidant. Losing Hideo had been terrible, but he had found a lot of solace in Tsume.

Their relationship had been evolving as well. As the people around them had been healing, their partnership had grown more relaxed. There was less crying during their sexual encounters. There was less lamenting during dinners together. The spoke like two proud parents whose children were starting their own lives. He'd brag about his clan, and she'd brag about hers. Their time together was now filled with more laughter, and they were spending a lot more time together. A lot more time.

"Oh, Shibi..."

He moved his face to gently suckle at her breast. Her body was so beautiful. It had gotten to nourish two children. He adored her flat breasts, having served their lovely purpose. He would happily enjoy what was left.

Her back arched slightly as she moaned.

"Your body is beautiful..."

He felt her run her hands through her hair.

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