Goodbyes - Ino

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After a delicious, delivered lunch and a long nap together, Ino was awoken by another knock at the front door. She grumbled as she pulled herself from her warm cocoon of blankets with her lover to see who it was.


He wasn't the person that she wanted to see, but he looked awful. His face was gaunt, and he had clearly gained even more weight since she had last seen him.

"I heard Shino was injured saving a couple of students. Is he doing okay?"

She stepped outside, shutting the door behind her. She didn't want Shino to come out in the cold or get hurt any worse than he already was. Besides, she could handle Choji.

"I ought to take over your body and throw your ass in the river."

She growled the words at him.


"What were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't."

She sighed deeply, not wanting to rehash this conversation again.

"What do you want? Just to see how he is? He's okay. Unfortunately, he's even more bruised around the eyes now from bashing his face on the riverbed."

She was trying to keep her composure, but she was pissed. He nodded before hanging his head.

"I'm sorry, Ino. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I shouldn't have hurt Shino. I came here to apologize and to tell you that I'm... I'm moving to Kumogakure for a while. Maybe forever. Karui's the love of my life, and I have to show her that I'm committed to us. And that I'm a good man."

She had never seen Choji look this broken. She also hadn't seen him look so much like himself in a long time. Ino felt her own bottom lip quiver as she watched him.

"I know you're a good man. I don't understand what's happening."

He shrugged.

"I don't know, either. Maybe I've lost sight of what's important-"

The door opened and Shino stepped outside. Ino had a moment of panic at seeing her boyfriend up and walking again, at least further than his shuffle to the bathroom.

"Is everything okay, Ino?"

The injured man stared Choji down from behind his shades, moving close to her. He was doing a good job of looking intimidating, even though his arm was still immobilized, and his chest and shoulder were bandaged under his shirt.

"I'm okay."

Choji bowed deeply to Shino.

"I'm sorry I hit you."

Shino's expression didn't change, but he did nod quietly. Choji sighed again.

"Okay, I'm leaving in the morning. I mostly wanted to apologize and come by to say goodbye."

Ino wanted to cry but she held it in.

"Bye, Choji. Good luck."

He turned and left, leaving the couple alone on the porch. Shino spoke quietly.

"What was that?"

"Me losing another teammate. He's moving to Kumogakure to try and win back Karui."

"He's been gone for a long time, Ino."

She nodded.

"I know, but it's still hard to see people go."

He put an arm around her, touching her waist gently.

"Come on, let's get inside. It's cold and wet."

He brought her back in, sitting on the couch with her. It felt refreshingly different after being in their bedroom for the last day. She bundled Shino in blankets, tucking them in to keep him warm. But the hearth already felt so nice after being out in the cold air.

"Mirai's birthday is coming up, right?"

"Next week."

"Does Kurenai do anything special for her?"

"She throws her a little party every year. I always go with Kiba.  And Hinata's usually there as well.  It's nothing big, but it means a lot to Kurenai."

"Can I go, too?"

He grinned.

"Of course. I think you should."

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