Our Family Dinner - Shino

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Shino had been somewhere between flattered that his thoughtful girlfriend had put together such a beautiful birthday dinner, and amused that she had decided to pull this particular group together for this occasion. All three Inuzukas plus Kakashi and Tamaki. If he didn't have a date, he might be upset: it looked more like a couple's night than a family dinner. And he was fine with that: it was nice to see everyone so happy for a change.

Even his own father was beaming with happiness as he sat with Tsume, openly holding her hand at the table. It was an unusual display of affection for the pair, especially for two people who had hooked up out of necessity and loneliness.

Kiba and Tamaki looked like they had for the past year: in love, but also a little annoyed with each other. All the time. They'd shoot little roasts at each other constantly, making the other roll their eyes.

And Kakashi and Hana were close as ever, even though he seemed to really be doting on her tonight. His arm was around the back of her chair, sitting particularly close to her. And usually, Hana would be annoyed by this, but tonight she wasn't. Actually, she looked a little anxious.

But tonight's shining star was Ino. She was in and out of the kitchen, bringing out delicious food and drinks, looking every bit the perfect hostess. And honestly, he couldn't stop watching her. She was gorgeous in a flowing, dark green dress.

Everything was delicious, and she had even surprised him with a white cake, intricately decorated with white icing and strawberries. He could do nothing but put his hand over his mouth as everyone sang to him and then blow out his candles.

They sat around and drank for a while, even receiving some unexpected baby news as Kiba wouldn't stop pestering his elder sister to have a drink. So they toasted Hana, Kakashi, and their new baby and drank some more.

And now Shino was in the kitchen with Ino, tipsy and washing dishes beside her.  And he was blown away by the love and thoughtfulness that had been put into the night.

"Thank you for a wonderful birthday. I think that this was my first birthday cake in 15 years, maybe more."

His lover smiled at him.

"Thanks for letting us celebrate you. It felt like the family dinners we had when I was little: with the Naras and the Akamichis. It's your birthday, but I got a taste of that again."

"We don't have to wait for a special occasion; we can do these anytime. But next time, I'll help you cook.  This was a lot of work."

"Shibi helped with some of it."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek, making him blush.

"I don't want you to think I'm dragging my feet on your proposal; it's hard to make a fairy tale moment when it's so cold outside."

She giggled.

"It doesn't have to be a fairy tale moment. I'm sure those will fade as our relationship grows. I'm sure that whatever moment you choose will be perfect-"

He was tipsy and about to ruin his big proposal moment, but he couldn't wait anymore. The excitement of being engaged to Ino had been sitting like a bubble in his chest for weeks. He quickly ran to the bedroom and took the ring box from his coat pocket, returning to her. She looked shocked when he fell to both knees in front of her, the water still running in the sink.

"Marry me? You're all I want for my birthday. And ever. Sorry, I should've done this during dinner-"

"Yes! YES!"

He slid the ring onto her finger before she knocked him over, laying on top of him. He laughed, holding her by the waist and kissing her deeply. She had her elbows on each side of his head, her hands in his hair.

"Oh, Shino..."

"I love you, Ino, and I can't wait to build a life with you as husband and wife."

She kicked her bare feet with excitement at his words.

"Me too! I love you too! We're going to build an incredible life together!"

He rolled her onto her back against the floor and was about to make love to her in the empty house, right on the kitchen floor when a small, hot waterfall began to pour over his back.

"Oh, shit!"

He jumped up, turning off the water as Ino laughed from the floor, also getting soaked. He helped her up, hugging her wet body tightly. She whispered in his ear.

"Come on, let's get this cleaned up, finish the dishes, and then we can finish celebrating your birthday like you deserve: at the hot spring."

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