You Have Some Fight Left - Ino

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She was actually really disappointed that he wasn't at the bar the next night. She hadn't seen him at all today; instead she was stuck in the room, resting and watching tv. But the possibility of seeing Shino was the only reason she had come out.  Honestly, it was also the reason she had made sure to drink more water than usual and eat a little something as well.

But he hadn't shown up. So much for watching over her-

"Hey, guys."

Kiba and Shino walked over to their table, but they didn't sit down.  Shikamaru looked into his beer, not willing to look up.  He was still pissed off about yesterday.  Both men where holding beers of their own.  Hana smiled at them.

"Where have you two been?"

Kiba shrugged.

"Eh, just hanging out at the hot spring. Got some lunch. Stuff like that."

Ino couldn't take her eyes from her company from the day before.  He glanced over at her, once again all coat and glasses with his hood up, but didn't react.  Maybe what happened at the hospital really didn't mean anything to him.  As Ino let her mind race, she noticed that Kiba was staring down Shikamaru.  Shino must've told him about what had happened. Kiba growled.

"We'll be at the bar."

They turned and left, leaving Ino at the table she didn't want to be at.  She watched the men take seats at the bar, drinking and talking.  Ordering another couple of beers. 

She wanted to be over there so badly.  She didn't want to chug her water to have an excuse to get another; throwing up would be the last thing she wanted to do right now.  So she was stuck sitting there, acting like she was politely listening to their conversation, which had now died off a little.  After a while, she began gazing at the pattern of the grain on the old wooden table her water sat on. That was, until a voice came from above her.

"Can I steal Ino away?"

She looked up at Shino, who was addressing the table.  His hood was still up and his dark glasses were reflecting the soft glowing neon behind the bar.  Shikamaru snapped at him.


"I wanted to see if she'd like to dance with me."

Before Shikamaru could engage him again, Ino spoke up.

"I'd like that."

Shino offered her a hand, helping her from her seat at the table.  She stood, a little shaky, and followed him on the small dance floor which was littered with drunk couples dry humping.  Putting a hand on her waist, he took her other hand in his.

"Is this okay?"

She nodded, putting her hand on his shoulder blade.  Her head was spinning and she could feel her face turning red.  She looked down at him.

"I'm sorry that I probably can't dance for long-"

"It doesn't matter."

The music was slow, and he felt warm against her.  The water was settling okay in her belly, and her head hadn't hurt since yesterday.  What should I say to him, she thought to herself.  He spoke first.

"You look nice tonight."

She had dressed in her nicer clothes this evening in case this encounter occurred.  At least, the nicer clothes that didn't hang off of her awkwardly.  She smiled.

"Thanks.  Where's Kiba tonight?"

"He went back to the room.  Besides, you looked like you needed to be saved."

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