The handsome young man is the lover?!

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Bai Lin looked at Vietnam with an impatient look in her eyes. She was slightly startled and dug her nails into her palms to cover up the embarrassment on her face.

Watching the discord between the male and female protagonists in front of him, Zhou Tang felt extremely happy. He blinked his round black pupils, raised his lips, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Everyone thought Zhou Tang was shabby before, but now they can see clearly after comparing him. The gift given by Zhou Tang was really a slap in Vietnam's face. It was not as good as the one he looked down upon. He couldn't call it a shame.

The second ancestor, Vietnam, obviously thought of something after being shocked. He shouted: "How could you, Zhou Tang, give you such a thing! Where did this thing come from?" He did not believe that this thing belonged to Zhou Tang. In his opinion, This could only be stolen goods stolen by young people through dirty means.

Hearing Vietnam say this, everyone was envious and had some questions. None of them could buy it. How could someone with Zhou Tang's status own this expensive brooch.

The young man put one hand in his pocket, his short black hair barely covered his beautiful eyebrows, and his delicate eyes revealed a charming and dangerous look.

His eyes were calm, and he turned to Vietnam and said: "This is my family's thing. I can give it away if I want. What does it have to do with you?" It seems that the original owner is too low-key and is looked down upon by others.

"But Zhou Tang, you don't have that much money at all. Tell us the truth, we won't laugh at you." Bai Lin saw that he was still arrogant, and there was a little pity on his face: "I heard that he came to the school gate last time The rich man who picked you up is..."

When Bai Lin said this, he covered his mouth in horror, as if he accidentally revealed some secret.

Her unfinished words left everyone thinking. The man is still a rich man, and the woman's words are tantamount to a hint in their hearts.

Say you are being raised?

Zhou Tang was silent for two seconds and then nodded inwardly. He was indeed being raised in this situation, but he was just pampered, not raised.

However, he is willing to "cooperate" with Bai Lin's careful plan. Isn't this interesting?

On the surface, the young man had done his best. He suddenly smashed the wine glass in his hand and didn't care about the liquid splashing on him. He opened his eyes and retorted: "Can't you be my parent? You can't see everything just because your eyes are dirty."

He deliberately made it look like he was in pain from being stepped on, trying to hint to Vietnam that their suspicion was correct.

It's fun when misunderstandings get deeper and deeper. When they get into trouble, it turns out that it's all in vain. It can make both parties resentful of each other and make them embarrassed.

Seeing Zhou Tang being so excited, Bai Lin felt that her suspicion was fine. As long as she could humiliate him, she would be willing to show a little bit of mischief in front of Vietnam. Vietnam hated him anyway, right?

She couldn't help but think of the shame of a young man who had been raised as a child but had dirty hands and feet, stole the owner's things, gave them to others, and was exposed.

The young man smiled and looked at the expression on the heroine's face. She looked like she was thinking a lot. He continued to pretend to be angry and retorted: "This is really something my family already has. My uncle is very rich." After saying this, when no one was paying attention, he quietly showed a mocking smile to Bai Lin, as if he was mocking the woman for making such a fuss and being ignorant.

The white lotus heroine's moral practice is still too shallow. Who did I hear it from? When the rumors are disproven, will Bai Lin's character still be there? Why Vietnam saved the heroine in the first place was because he liked her character.

I like the pure, clean and simple Bai Lin, not a scheming woman who only embarrasses herself everywhere.

Seeing Zhou Tang being unable to save himself and still laughing at her, Bai Lin gritted his teeth angrily. He really didn't know where a plaything could have the confidence! She didn't make any better excuses. She didn't believe that the man she saw so close to Zhou Tang that day was his elder. Besides, where are there such young parents?

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