Until Death Separates Them (Arc 4 Ends)

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The scorching sun was high, and the handsome, tall and thin boy lay dejectedly in the man's arms, his whole body wrapped in the flaming sun.

The fire didn't burn me or scald my hands, but the sinister light seemed to burn through half of the sky.

Even though there was a big hole in his chest and the expression on his face was frozen in arrogance, Zhou Tang's gorgeous and handsome face could not be erased.

The blood and fire not only burned Zhou Tang's life, but also burned the expectations in Jiang Fengli's heart.

There was a hint of charm on Ye Yan's face, Zhou Tang's eyes were empty, his red lips were slightly open, and he looked at the man in front of him who was holding back the pain.

He maximized his own interests and saved Jiang Fengli from being torn into pieces.

His superpower is the savior of all mankind.

All the zombies in the city were saved by Zhou Tang's self-destruction, including Su Ruxue, who had turned into a zombie after her powers were exhausted, and the dying zombie king.

Obviously she didn't expect that she would be rescued. Not only did her exhausted mental abilities recover, but the corrupted organs deep in her body were also restored to life.

The raven-colored hair rolled up in the wind, blocking the man's sight. Standing on the wall of the base and watching the scene in front of him, Chu Qinxiu's eyes narrowed dangerously, his brows were colder than ever before, and his lips were bitten by him. Blood.

"Mo Sa... Mo Sa... do you think you can escape from me by doing this?" The man kept repeating these words nervously, his mandible tightening due to his emotional changes.

Chu Qinxiu's sharp voice gradually penetrated into the air, making people's hair stand on end.

Lin Muyan crossed her arms, shook the goosebumps on her body coldly, and quietly moved a few steps back, away from Chu Qinxiu.

Her vision was correct. Mo Sa would indeed be eaten to the bone, but now the boy had self-destructed the crystal core. It was not yet determined whether he would live or die...

A deep panic appeared in Lin Muyan's heart, and Lin Muyan tightened her fingers. The sharp plant power closed his eyes.

"He is very heartless, don't you think?" After flirting with others and capturing their hearts, he smiled so brightly and dazzlingly at another person.

Now he had to die for Jiang Fengli, without considering his meaning at all, and his eyes were no longer on himself.

Chu Qinxiu's eyes fell on Zhou Tang, who seemed to be out of body. His Adam's apple rolled along with the tone of his voice, and a trace of sweat streaked his neck.

Then his eyes suddenly shot towards Lin Muyan, and he used his superpower to snatch away the saber in her hand. "This is Mo Sa's saber, right? Do you know why he gave it to you?"

The woman shook her head.

"——This knife was reserved for killing me. He didn't tell you because I would do it myself."

Before Lin Muyan could say anything, he used the knife to frantically cut a very deep scar on his left hand. , mechanically repeating the movements of his right hand until the lean wrist became unrecognizable.

The indifferent expression on Chu Qinxiu's face could not hide his crazy gaffe.

His left arm was surrounded by numbness and sunshine, and the exhilarating pain made him sigh, "He is a thief who stole my heart. He has been waiting for me to die... Maybe only in this way can he completely remember me." "

Chu Qinxiu is not only a madman, but also a genius professor with high IQ. He knows all Zhou Tang's thoughts and hints, and he is willing at this moment.

Chu Qinxiu's side profile was exquisite and impeccably handsome. He glanced into the distance with a half-smile, and then in the blink of an eye, he raised his superpower and rushed in the direction of Jiang Fengli.

In the future, he will grow in Zhou Tang's heart and become a thorn in the side of that powerful man. This was Chu Qinxiu's last gamble in his life, and it was also the only time he used his precious life to win his place in the young man's heart.

He's already crazy and doesn't mind further fanning the flames of their relationship.

Jiang Fengli's back scar has not begun to heal. For the protagonist, Zhou Tang's healing power cannot save the zombie virus spreading in his body.

He used his last bit of strength to stuff the test tube into Jiang Fengli's mouth. He breathed a sigh of relief after watching the other person drink it.

After Chu Qinxiu's experimental improvements, Zhou Tang fully believed that this was a recovery potion that belonged to this world and that drinking it would eliminate the virus in the body.

The flesh and blood on his body was growing and recovering in an extremely slow way. Zhou Tang slowly exhaled a breath and stared at the man's face, intending to watch his corpse spots gradually disappear.

Faint blue veins popped out, Jiang Fengli covered his forehead in pain, and the scars on his back were squirming like thousands of insects.

1805 looked at the two people in front of him and said unbearably: "Host, Jiang Fengli is a pathogen. Drinking this medicine can only control his mind. He is still a zombie."

With such a powerful power, maybe Jiang Fengli will become The second zombie with special powers may evolve into a top-level zombie king, which is a more terrifying existence than the zombie king.

Before Zhou Tang could be surprised, a dark figure running quickly in the distance knocked Jiang Fengli's body away, forced the sword into his hand, and then stabbed him.

"Chu Qinxiu...?" Zhou Tang's eyes widened, and his mind went blank as he watched the other party spray blood from his mouth on himself.

Among the noisy people around him, he heard Chu Qinxiu's mournful and desperate voice, which was slightly hoarse and touched his heart.

He clasped the young man's hand, pulled out the knife with all his strength, and spoke endlessly of love.

"I love you, I will die for you, will you remember me?"

Zhou Tang was stunned, because Chu Qinxiu was not a sentimental person.


"I want you to love me, otherwise, I want you to hate me with everything you have!" Chu Qinxiu said, staining the other person's lips with his own blood and swiping them hard.

"Okay, I promise you."

Zhou Tang finally said these words, then let go of his hand, watching Chu Qinxiu fall to the ground, slowly losing his breath.

1805: "The fragments were successfully synthesized."

Ignoring the dull emotional pain in his heart, the scar on Zhou Tang's heart had gradually healed. He had no time to pay attention to the helping hands extended by the humans around him. Instead, he pounced on the man who was frantically fighting for his sanity, trying to A man who is not a zombie.

"Let's go, Jiang Fengli, I'll go with you." Zhou Tang narrowed his eyes, hugged the unconscious man, and said softly.

Jiang Fengli wanted to bite the young man's neck in front of him, but when he saw the gentle look in his eyes, he resisted and just kissed him and licked him, then hugged him and ran away quickly.

Many emotions that did not belong to him suddenly appeared in his mind. The man darkened his expression and ran towards the direction in his memory.

The leader of Area Z eloped with the savior of all mankind.

After Lin Muyan watched Chu Qinxiu die, Jiang Fengli left a bunch of messes to her again, and in the end she had no choice but to stubbornly shoulder it and act as the leader.

Time is like loose sand, fleeting between the fingers. The peaceful order of the world has been slowly restored, and the zombies are also hiding in the darkness, gradually disappearing in front of human beings.

In an abandoned villa, a handsome and majestic man hugged a beautiful young man tightly, his strong bronze skin glowing with a light gray.

Zhou Tang's feet were wrapped around the man's waist and he was carefully protected in his arms, not wanting to let go of him at all.

Jiang Fengli sniffed his neck dullly, and then gently rubbed his smooth shoulders with his abrupt teeth, his animal eyes also glowing with a rich color.

If you ignore the horrific and horrific scratches on his back, this heartwarming picture must be perfect.

Followed by a low and hoarse grunt similar to that of a zombie, it slowly emerged from the man's mouth. If you just listened to the sound, you would have thought it was another zombie eating fresh and delicious food.

"Mo Sa, little baby." Jiang Fengli regained his consciousness briefly. After finding him in his arms, he patted his butt and said warmly, "Did it hurt you?"

"Well, I was here, and he didn't hurt you. Me." Zhou Tang breathed softly into his ear, then pursed his lips and asked Jiang Fengli for a kiss, "You woke up very early today."

Normally, a man's mind would take a long time to become a zombie. Even though he was a prince, he still wouldn't hurt himself, but Zhou Tang also felt a little empty in his heart.

The man would not talk to him, but would only stare at him with his affectionate and sharp eyes. His eyes were inhuman, like a large beast watching its prey closely.

Whenever Zhou Tang wanted to push him away and leave him alone, his eyes would turn red again, pitifully like a cub waiting for food, begging Zhou Tang not to abandon him.

Although Jiang Fengli in the Zombie King state was dumbfounded, he would still hug him, kiss and chew him, and then slowly hold him to eat, bathe, dress, and finally sleep with him.

He has all the deep emotions that Jiang Fengli has, but he expresses them in a clumsy way.

"If I hadn't woken up earlier, I wouldn't have seen you anymore. Isn't it hard to live this life, being so involved by me?" Seeing the young man trying to kiss him, Jiang Fengli gave him a gentle peck, and then resisted him and went downstairs.

"Tired? How can I be tired after being with you and being raised by you?" Zhou Tang said without thinking, then touched his back with his hand, turned his head distressedly and asked: "After so many days, does it still hurt?"

No. When the man replied, Zhou Tang held Jiang Fengli's face, looked at the green corpse marks spreading on his face, and sighed: "Can you stay with me longer this time?"

1805 promised him that the world would not disturb him, and let him Stay by yourself. But Zhou Tang is worried that given Jiang Fengli's current situation, he will only wake up later and later.

His thin lips touched the other person's earlobe, and Zhou Tangni gradually made a low voice in his arms.

As soon as he woke up, he met the young man acting coquettishly. Jiang Fengli's heart was already full of passion, and when he saw the imperceptible loss in Zhou Tang's eyes, he immediately felt only heartache.

I originally wanted to sit and chat with him, but now I don't care and just want to be with him.

Turning around, he bumped Zhou Tang's body and strode towards the bedroom.

Realizing that the man had taken the bait, Zhou Tang curled his lips, glanced back at him with the tail of his eyes, then inserted his fingers into Jiang Fengli's hair and stroked it gently.

In the man's slightly inferior and insecure eyes, Zhou Tang's pale face had a hint of crimson at the end of his eyes, his long eyebrows were raised high, and his red lips were lightly pursed, adding a bit of liveliness and vitality: "I will accompany you. You will rest until death."

So there is no need to be uneasy, not only is Jiang Fengli pursuing his footsteps, he is also running towards Jiang Fengli.

He and Jiang Fengli will be entangled for life and death, and they will not be separated until death.

After taking care of and accompanying the Zombie Emperor for a day, Zhou Tang's spirit was actually exhausted, but he was looking forward to Jiang Fengli's appearance. Even if he was tired, he let go of his limbs and followed Jiang Fengli's footsteps.

Jiang Fengli's fireworks will always become tender in the end in front of the person he loves most, as if he has stepped into the mud, and his whole body is wet and tender.

He kissed Zhou Tang's face, the tip of his nose, and his lips, gently making Zhou Tang sleepy, making him feel wrapped comfortably, and his scalp was numb with warmth.

He touched Zhou Tang's face heavily with his rough fingertips. Jiang Fengli's consciousness began to fade, but he couldn't bear to wake Zhou Tang up. He just said slowly: "Mo Sa, I love you."

The young man being taken care of had already closed his eyes . As he closed his eyes, he unconsciously raised his voice and responded, "Yes, I know."

"Baby, little boy, I love you." Jiang Fengli leaned over and kissed him passionately, kissing his face again, and whispered helplessly. : "If you can, never leave me."

A hint of darkness appeared in his deep eyes, and Jiang Fengli silently moved Zhou Tang's hand to his heart that was no longer beating.

The cold temperature was passed to Zhou Tang, telling him that Jiang Fengli was no longer a human being, but a monster who didn't know whether it was a zombie or something else.

Jiang Fengli knew that he was selfish. Even if the time for him to wake up became shorter and shorter in the rest of his life, he didn't want to let go of the young man in front of him who exuded a rich and charming light. He really couldn't bear to let go.

He would rather tie Zhou Tang to his side than let him go find someone else and live a happy life with someone else.

Knowing that the man was thinking nonsense again, Zhou Tang did not open his eyes, but wrapped his hands around the other man's neck, full of intimacy: "No matter you are an ordinary person or a zombie, what I am looking for is you, the one in this body." You, so... love me as much as you like, Jiang Fengli."

Zhou Tang spent a long time with the man in this villa. It was not until the noise of children began to appear in the street outside that Zhou Tang knew that ten years had passed since the end of the world. many.

Jiang Fengli's mind has not been awake for a long time, and even his consciousness belonging to the Zombie King has passed out.

Knowing that this might be the last time Jiang Fengli woke up, Zhou Tang took him to take another bath. After notifying Lin Muyan who was far away in Area Z, he decisively lay in the man's arms and hugged him tightly.

The comatose man seemed to feel something. He wrapped his hands around Zhou Tang's body and never opened his eyes again.

I don't know how much time had passed, but when people left the city to clean up the streets, Lin Muyan, who got the news, led his team to the location, broke in, and stared blankly at the two corpses hugging each other on the bed, which was very shocking.

One of the bodies was lying on his side on the bed, his body already cold. He was also holding the body of a very beautiful young man in his arms, holding him tightly with both hands, as if he was very reluctant to let go.

【Ding! The mission is over, leave the plane! 】

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