Thousand-Year Fox Demon Host

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Arc 2 starts from here~

A series of noisy footsteps suddenly sounded in the quiet forest. A young man with a beautiful appearance quickly shuttled through the bushes, with a black shadow following closely behind him.

It seemed that he was tired of running. The young man looked back, but was thrown to the ground by the monster that caught up with him. The monster's mouth was wide open, and the secretions in its mouth were dripping on the ground.

Zhou Tang was immediately dizzy from the stench in his mouth. He gritted his teeth and said, "1805, give me an explanation."

He traveled through this world and became a fox demon. He was seriously injured and was attacked by a sneak attack. After struggling for a long time, he was already fine. Exhausted.

The system saw that the clothes on the host were stained by dust and the lips were still dripping with blood. It sobbed and choked: "I'm sorry host, it's my fault that I sent you to the wrong place!"

The monster bit the young man's arm hard and knocked him After falling to the ground, Zhou Tang's internal organs suddenly shifted in pain, and cold sweat fell down his back.

Biting his tongue hard to wake himself up, he quickly turned over to avoid another attack from the monster, "Stop crying, send me to another place quickly." Damn it

, he didn't want to die in the mission world, and he wasn't allowed to Die here yourself.

"Woooo...Host, this is the beginning of the development of the plot of this world. We have entered the secret realm where they have experienced. My energy is not enough to take you away from this place." 1805 looked at the dying appearance of the host in despair

. He could only pray that someone would come to save him soon, "If you bear it any longer, someone should come!" The

secret realm was covered in mist and surrounded by giant trees. It was full of mystery and danger, but it was obviously a hot summer day, but Zhou Tang couldn't bear it. A chill filled my heart.

The monster stared directly at the food at its feet that had been tortured to death for half its life. The smell of blood oozed from the dislocated right arm.

The messy hair hung in front of his forehead and was wet with sweat. The young man raised the corners of his bright red lips and clenched his fists. There was a creepy smile on his face.

"System, do you remember what I do?" He will not give up, and there is absolutely no way he can rely on others.

He quietly touched a stone with his left hand, and stabbed the monster into its eye while the beast wasn't paying attention. A smear of foul-smelling green blood splashed onto the young man's breathtakingly beautiful face.

The young man narrowed his peach blossom eyes and didn't care. Ignoring the severe pain in his right hand, he turned over and jumped onto the monster.

Since he couldn't escape, he faced him head-on. He wanted to use the stone in his hand to take the life of the monster under his crotch.

The monster with black fur all over its body saw that the food under its feet had actually stepped on itself. It jumped around violently, trying to shake the young man off.

"Go to hell!" The crazy look in the young man's gorgeous eyes was astonishingly bright. He raised the sharp stone, rubbed the most vulnerable part of the monster's neck, and inserted it in one fell swoop!

The monster roared in anger, and the young man's unique strength cut open its muscles firmly. He clamped his feet tightly on the abdomen, and used his left hand to grind open its neck again and again until he cut off a piece of neck meat deep down.

I don't know how long it took, but the monster went from being restless at first to swaying left and right, and finally slowly fell down. The blood from its neck continued to spurt out, and it soon died in Zhou Tang's hands.

After watching the whole process of the host's counter-attack with trembling eyes, 1805 squatted in the corner, his eyes overflowing with fiery admiration.

His host is so awesome!

After killing the monster, the young man swayed to the ground. He threw away the stone stained by the dirty green liquid, wiped his left hand clean on his body, and quickly replaced his dislocated right hand.

"1805, your system is so useless." Zhou Tang endured the pain, slowly raised his beautiful face, and tore off a corner of his robe to bandage his wound.

He never puts his life in the control of others.

The people outside were stunned at this moment.

The entrance to the deep secret realm has just been opened, and the surroundings are filled with bursts of rich spiritual energy.

The heads and elders of each sect took their seats, while other monks were already sitting in the crowd, looking at the students who wanted to learn from their masters in the water realm created by the spells cast by the heads of each sect.

I don't know who screamed in surprise, and the voices of the monks around him gradually became quieter. Along with the exclamation, their eyes towards the secret realm were a little fiery.

The various sects used magic to create several water mirrors in advance. It turned out that when the experienced monks were in danger, they could notice it immediately and take them out in time.

But at this moment, there was a mortal with no cultivation inside, which shocked them.

This young man was able to kill monsters that were bigger than himself just by relying on his strength. This was a natural talent!

The handsome-looking young man was wearing a shabby shirt, with his hair hanging messily on his back, and the rest winding around his feet.

He leaned against the corpse of the monster and panted in despair. His beautiful peach blossom eyes were unruly, as if he didn't care about anything.

Such a beauty didn't even have the slightest bit of cultivation in her body, yet she ruthlessly defeated the monster. Such a huge gap impacts the hearts of every monk outside the secret realm who investigates the training situation.

The entire trial ground was quiet because of his beauty.

One of the real people sitting on the seat said, with an obsession and enthusiasm to accept him as a disciple, "Is this... is this really a mortal?"

The young man stepped on the dead branches and leaves and made a sound. He looked up. Looking at the sky, the thick fog around him affected his judgment, "So you sent me to the time when the plot just started and the protagonist was reborn?" After taking a

rest, he received the plane plot given by the system. .

This world turns out to be a reborn book.

In his previous life, the protagonist was admired by Wei Guangqing, the Immortal Lord Shen Xuanzhen, who practiced the ruthless way, but he became a demon after falling in love, and finally died under the sword of the righteous Shen Xuanzhen.

In his new life, he chose to secretly join the Hehuan Sect, practice the art of bewitching with great pains, and finally worship the Immortal Lord as his teacher. The Immortal Lord revealed the truth ruthlessly, and the inner demons arose.

With inner demons, it is difficult to achieve the high road. Wei Guangqing is obsessed with the humble posture of the immortal by his side. In the end, he abuses his body and mind, and the protagonist even opens a harem.

This is a story about a reborn humble shou who becomes a heartthrob and gains a harem. All kinds of beautiful men including immortals, Buddhas, Taoists and demons fall in love with him.

What the hell kind of plot is this? Zhou Tang's forehead twitched and his face darkened.

So his mission is to break up these two people? The protagonist is willing to fight while the other is willing to suffer, so what is he going to do?

"No, no, no, Shen Xuanzhen is definitely not voluntary. Your mission this time is to protect him and keep him away from the protagonist." 1805 looked worried, with a worried look on his face.

The protagonist of this plane is also a person with buffs. Can the host survive the fight...

Oh? The protagonist suffers from unrequited love.

A plan came up in his mind, Zhou Tang curled his lips, and then suddenly glanced to the side as if he felt something.

"System, someone is watching me." The young man frowned, held the pebbles in his palm, and quietly walked a few steps toward the tree to cover his whereabouts.

Scanned by this indifferent look that implied vigilance, everyone outside the secret realm felt their hearts tremble.

The Immortal Lord sitting at the head of the table felt his gaze and suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the thin young man in the secret realm.

The golden eyes moved slightly, and the eyes on the handsome face with sword eyebrows revealed a bit of indifference, as if he was looking at something dead.

"Immortal Lord, what do you think of this young man?" Seeing Shen Xuanzhen staring intently, the real person on the side asked tentatively.

"It's acceptable." The immortal no longer paid attention to the things in the secret realm, and his face returned to a dead silence. He closed his eyes and said, "This son's future is immeasurable."

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