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The Du family's banquet attracted everyone's attention and seemed very lively, but the young master of the Du family ran away to nowhere and didn't even attend his father's birthday.

There was a strong musky smell in the empty room, and in the dim sight, one could vaguely see two men lying on the bed, one with a slim figure and the other with a strong and tall figure.

At this moment, Du Zhoupei was lying on an unknown bed with red eyes, looking particularly pitiful.

If someone were standing here, they would definitely be very surprised, because the young master of the Du family, who has always been aloof and aloof, is actually lying under another man, showing his charm.

It's really...it's unbelievable that Du Jupei would look like that.

The pale and delicate fingers slowly climbed up the man's toned and mottled figure. Lu Yi was still embedded in Du Zhoupei's body. The weak and beautiful little face pinched Du Zhoupei's face maliciously, and his breath spread on it. On his face: "Zi Pei, you are surprised by all this, aren't you?"

Du Zupei raised his sore limbs and said nothing.

He hasn't come to his senses yet.

The flexible and beautiful waist and abdomen were pressed on the man's arm. The young man looked very petite and leaned on the man. At first glance, he thought he was wronged.

Lu Yi is very good at acting coquettishly.

Seeing the man looking at him with dull eyes, still unconscious, he smiled lowly, "Zi Pei, you are too proactive, and I can't control myself."

His eyes passed over the man's skin . On his cheek, he scratched his head in embarrassment: "You also know that when you are drunk, you are irrational...so I accidentally hurt you." His

soft lips were pressed against the side of Du Zhoupei's face, Lu Yi His laughter was full of satisfaction, but in his ears it sounded biting and cruel.

"However, you shouted Zhou Zhichu's name all night yesterday. Although it sounds weird, you are so cute when you cry so hard." Lu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile.


Hearing what the young man said, the man finally came back to his senses and looked at Lu Yi almost collapsed.

It turns out that he is not Zhou Zhichu, and Zhou Zhichu is not like this. Now he hates himself so much that he was so drunk that day that he went to find Lu Yi.

He...last night, he actually had sex with Lu Yi, and was retaliated by Lu Yi again and again.

Du Zhoupei wanted to kill Lu Yi, he looked nothing like Zhou Zhichu!

Seeing that Du Zhoupei couldn't believe it, Lu Yi's finger gently crossed the bridge of his nose and stated:

"Admit it, Zhoupei, maybe you were born to do that. You don't even know how warm and comfortable you are. It makes people reluctant to leave."

Lu Yi's tone was very serious.

The words of oppression and subtle ridicule reached Du Zhoupei's ears, making him feel even more physically uncomfortable.

Lu Yi's figure is obviously as slender as Zhou Zhichu's, with a full youthful look, but these past few days he has been working like crazy, working hard and shattering the pride of such an arrogant and sinister man.

Du Zhoupei could no longer pick up his temper.

As if he had just accepted the fact that he had been attacked by the young man he raised, the man's face was distorted and instantly filled with violence. Unfortunately, his limbs were weak and he no longer had the strength to kick the young man away.

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